copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

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copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby palmvtree » Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:29 am

I think some of the comments worrying about more sorters in the market are not thinking correctly. Free business idea for all. This TV spot will bring more people to this site just to browse and will also advertise that there is a market for coppper pennies out there so why not have a post at the top describing how they can sell their saved copper to us? We already make it friendly for sorters with sticky posts, why not make it friendly for potential sellers? Just my thoughts as a friendly business major!!!
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby crazypennyguy » Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:00 pm

How about something for potential buyers? (Like the OP's, mine's just a suggestion.)
I did it. I've been crazy enough to sort through 10,000 rolls of pennies. Almost makes you think, "some people will do anything to build up a coin collection."
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby Andrew Jackson » Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:14 pm

8-) I am very impressed with your "business major" status however I disagree with your claim that those who do not agree that it is beneficial to broadcast this unique opportunity worldwide are "not thinking correctly " did you learn the term during your educational experience. Worldwide economic depression? Many a business major will be out of work shoveling crap to pay back there government funded student loans. As for me I live in the real world ,and by the looks we are in for a rough ride. Food will most likely be more valuable then gold silver or pennies! Will you then post in the headlines what stores have food left so all can benefit? As a achieved business major you know what the end result will be don't you. You guessed it empty shelves!. I hope these. Words don't haunt you when you percentages drop and banks turn you away! We are all entitled to our own opinion and I believe with all due respect you're the one not "thinking correctly ".............. :lol:
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby tractorman » Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:02 pm

Jeesh Mr. President ... interesting point of view.

I'll be surprised if there's more than a handful of serious new sorters result from this publicity. What it will do is create a temporary spike in interest levels for copper cents. A few folks will come here to realcent probably, but they'll be more likely to buy rather than start sorting. Sorting is a royal PITA really.

If I had copper cents to sell, I'd try craigslist. I can hear it now, "Hey Honey! Remember that thing about old pennies on TV last night? Here's a guy who only wants 1.75x for his. I think I'll send him an email."

A well-thought-out-ending-time eBay auction would also be in my future, if I had a CTU to move.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby Diggin4copper » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:02 pm

Im gonna make a post about what a pain in the arse sorting is, just when the show airs :) If we all post how much easier it is to buy them off ebay, that might bring up the market..... I dropped out of marketing after a week :(
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby ed_vantage17 » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:11 pm


There will be a minor spike in people buying/sorting but like anything else, if this was easy, everyone would already be doing it.
Ferengi rule of acquisition #162: Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.

My realcent feedback.

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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby tractorman » Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:30 am

ed_vantage17 wrote:There will be a minor spike in people buying/sorting but like anything else, if this was easy, everyone would already be doing it.

+1 It will be a spike indeed. That's why the eBay auction needs to be well timed. It will most likely be sort-lived and have almost no lasting affect.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby tractorman » Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:35 am

Time will tell. If serious new sorters do emerge, we'll know about it. This is realcent, they'll find us. We'll become their friend and applaud their efforts ... won't we?
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby hirbonzig » Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:37 pm

This will be a very short term interest spike in copper cents. RealCent might get a dozen or two more members over the average in the next month. I see copper cents(and copper theft) making the nightly news on a regular basis when the price of copper goes over $6 a pound.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby frugi » Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:43 pm

I feel the current actual saleable value of 1981 and earlier US cents is $0.03, and I don't even sell at that price!

I have large groups of people nationwide that are willing to pay me $0.03 each and pay my shipping. They will buy all I can send whether it is 5 lbs. or 500 lbs. and believe me I have sold to them before. But I don't feel it is wise to sell any more of my cents until I get at least $0.10 each while silver is under $40.00, and gold is around $1500.00.

Who here wants me to give away this FREE KNOWLEDGE available to anyone who thinks outside the box?

I can share this wealth of knowledge...or I can keep it my back pocket for my own use.....$0.03 each across the board.

hmm........................What I present is basically the same as the publicity being stirred up by "whoever". Some people want to share everything they know for whatever reason, who is to say they are wrong, or right. I tell others about the value of cents and nickels all the time, it has gotten me nowhere with folks caring, very few of them listen or care, and always seem to come out of the woodwork any time copper drops a cent in value, they like to say, "what now?"......A scrapper I use to haul away heavy metal, iron and sheet metal scrap from leftover auctions I do was working for me one day, and I tried to explain to him the value of a "pre82" cent, and that they were made of 95% copper, which is considered bronze, and that he should save any he sees. I proceeded to tell him I have been saving them for over 10 years and I have over 2 million...DO you know what he replied........"Hey, I gotta idea, there is a coinstar by my house, lets go dump them in there."........Seriously! that is from the mouth of a fulltime scrapper who drives around picking up metal trash and scrapping at the local yard, has been doing it daily for 20 years, I can't believe he is that stupid. I haven't used his services since, I heard along the line that he had to scrap his only hauling truck, so I guess he is out of business. Point is smart people are few and far between. It is hard to find smarts in this country today. if you have read my entire posting you would see that I will reveal the source for selling copper cents, it is to the penny roller societies, there is only a couple of them, but together make up about 10,000+ members, and collectors of pressed pennies. I have open standing offers of $0.03 each, that I have been turning down for over a year. Point is smart people harbor and "hang out" with other smart folks. WHich is why we are all so lucky here on this forum, we are some of the smartest folks ever. We could tell the world, and only a few will listen. We can tell all of America and very few will listen. Only the smart will listen. SO the real question is, How many smart people in the USA are willing to sit and sort, whether by hand or ryedale? answer is very few. (very few smart people X even fewer smart people = a bunch of dummys! One dummy taints the whole batch of potential dummys!

America is a nation of dummys! I don't worry about this stuff, I am seconds (actually probably a few months) away from trashing my computer altogether. I am sick of the illusions of society. That is probably what has happened to some of "our" longtime members who have "disappeared". Everything I hoard is with intent to leave a better than I had legacy for my family. I don't concern myself with what amount of fiat currency I will accept for my solid bronze mini rounds, I prefer them just as they are.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby frugi » Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:48 pm

i will like to sell my website is ; maybe $750,000 like Alec did, so for publicity I hope everyone googles "pre82", I can retire on 10% of that.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby GGerrands » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:05 pm

Is that .03 cent price for real, or to make a rhetorical point? I think I'd sell for .03 apiece, but I'm just now getting my first CTU together. If it is, what's the contact info (websites) of the penny clubs?
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby frugi » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:14 pm

yes it is for real, i just gave away the free info. you can find the details for yourself. I have my "in" with being personal friends with the person who has the largest collection of pressed cents in the country, my sources are sealed, but with a little homework, anyone cann acess these folks and let them know you have rolls of pre82 cents to sell. I have open standing offers because I have a superior reputation with these folks, and for some reason they can't get them any cheaper, so I don't ask, but yes free information folks, knowck yourself out!
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby adagirl » Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:49 pm

frugi wrote:I feel the current actual saleable value of 1981 and earlier US cents is $0.03, and I don't even sell at that price!

I have large groups of people nationwide that are willing to pay me $0.03 each and pay my shipping. They will buy all I can send whether it is 5 lbs. or 500 lbs. and believe me I have sold to them before. But I don't feel it is wise to sell any more of my cents until I get at least $0.10 each while silver is under $40.00, and gold is around $1500.00.

Frugi, I sit here finding myself saying wow. First of all thank you for the post and the time you took to write it. I am just too darn tired to post a long response. Importantly, I concur with what you stated, all of it. My Cu stash, while laughable when compared to 2M pennies, is precious to me, and I too believe my Cu pennies will be worth more than 3 cents. Tripling my money is a good day, but 3 cents a penny just doesn't seem worth it presently. I hope I am never in need to sell my Cu pennies. I hope I can pass them on to my daughter one day.

The best experience is real world experience. College degrees hold some value but they do not substitute for real world exprience. I spent 22 years in school. No I wasn't on the 8 year bachelor degree program, I hold a PhD. I also have 10 years of real world experience running a business. Professors are influential and theory sounds nice until it meets the real world. I am glad to be awake now and no longer under the influence of people that live in theory world vs the real world.

As far as the dumb American's, this is something the elite have worked very hard at accomplishing over the past century. They are very close to reaching their goal. I have heard the phrase "fat, dumb, and happy," used to describe Americans. Read the book The Creature from Jekyll Island.

I did an interview in the Washington Post when I was a year or so younger than HR is right now, and I provided free information - it was a big mistake for my business. As far as what we do here, I see pros and cons...but my biggest concern is being shut down by the banks by fees or worse once the TV segment airs. By the way, my name is Duane. My screen name "Adagirl" in honor of my daughter...her birth woke me up to the real world, our screwed up country/money system, and the joys of collecting metal. I hope I am wrong about everything as it relates to the future of this country, so I can just give her all my coins one day.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby Diggin4copper » Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:16 am

"I hope I am wrong about everything as it relates to the future of this country, so I can just give her all my coins one day."

Duane, truer words have never been spoken. Like you, I hope I am way off in my fears for where we are heading .. I hope our Country gets straightened out and my family gets a chuckle as they spend "all those silly coppers" I collected.. but I am preparing for the worst, just in case... Diggin
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby adagirl » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:48 am

Diggin4copper wrote: "I hope I am wrong about everything as it relates to the future of this country, so I can just give her all my coins one day."

Duane, truer words have never been spoken. Like you, I hope I am way off in my fears for where we are heading .. I hope our Country gets straightened out and my family gets a chuckle as they spend "all those silly coppers" I collected.. but I am preparing for the worst, just in case... Diggin

I read somewhere that what we do, and other like-minded folks here on RC, has been dubbed the "Noah effect." In other words, there is no rain yet, but we build a boat while those around us laugh. Problem is, it is raining right now, and folks around us (or around me at least) seem to hear what I am saying yet they take no action. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink. From the bottom of my heart I hope I am wrong and that one day I can sit around with my friends and relatives and laugh, even laugh at myself a bit for 'over doing it.' But there is no substitute for being prepared and having a plan.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby frugi » Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:41 am

adagirl wrote: I read somewhere that what we do, and other like-minded folks here on RC, has been dubbed the "Noah effect." In other words, there is no rain yet, but we build a boat while those around us laugh. Problem is, it is raining right now, and folks around us (or around me at least) seem to hear what I am saying yet they take no action. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink. From the bottom of my heart I hope I am wrong and that one day I can sit around with my friends and relatives and laugh, even laugh at myself a bit for 'over doing it.' But there is no substitute for being prepared and having a plan.

yes. from the bottom of my heart, i hope silver drops to 0, nickel drops to zero, silver to zero, gold to zero, and the purchasing power of the dollar soars to the moon, maybe one day, but probably not. Imagine if the dollar became the strongest, soundest currency in the world, and America became great again, trusted and loved by the world. lol. It is probably the best idea to keep sorting. Very fu*king sad ain't it. What a future we hold for ourselves.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby adagirl » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:04 am

yes. from the bottom of my heart, i hope silver drops to 0, nickel drops to zero, silver to zero, gold to zero, and the purchasing power of the dollar soars to the moon, maybe one day, but probably not. Imagine if the dollar became the strongest, soundest currency in the world, and America became great again, trusted and loved by the world. lol. It is probably the best idea to keep sorting. Very fu*king sad ain't it. What a future we hold for ourselves.

Once again you nailed it. Your message last night really spoke to me. I don't like feeling dupped, but that is how I feel about the so-called "American Dream" blah, blah, blah. And now I have a child I brought into this F**ked up world with America headed for the cliff. I believed what I was told growing up by the school system, TV, government, etc... So now that I am "fully awake" I'm going to just keep on sorting while the others around me ignore the rain. I always knew something wasn't quite right, but I didn't know what it was until I sat down and studied this stuff vs. going along to get along crap.

How many PhD's/MD's do you know that are collecting aluminum cans, stripping wire, sorting Cu pennies? None I bet. I work with these pricks, and they are just too darn good for that nonsense. They have full faith in their precious FRN's. You talked about your scrapper dude that didn't get'd think PhD's and MD's would get it right? Nope, try again they don't get it. I do have one buddy, a MD, and he does get it, but he is purely focused on land, growing his own food, livestock, he is on board. And he did take my advice about getting out of the stock market. He jumped on that and put the money into more land.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby adagirl » Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:08 pm

Where did Frugi go? :?:
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:45 pm

i'm here.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:59 pm

for me, it has been a few years, (say 5 years) of knowing my "American Dream" is to survive long enought to ensure a suitable life for my family. My parents generation were those that had the real american dream. There is no more of the so-called American Dream, unless you are of an older generation. The American dream was a dream built on blue collar workers, working a lifetime to have a family, home, car, savings, land, annual vacations, retirement fund, live out your old days. That is no more, even the millionaires out there are living beyond they're means, there are plenty of rich folks who have it good, (probably many doctors, too), and for that matter Auctioneers, (there are more millionaires in the Auctioneering industry, than any other profession), there are plenty of folks living pretty cushie, but it doesn't matter how rich you are when sh*t hits the fan, and I wouldn't give a cent for the paper money you have, all those millionaires, and billionaires, will be the 1st to jump off cliffs. The way to live now, is not for your retirement, but for today. Act today, in hopes you will live to see tommorow, prepare for yourself, your family, your friends, live, love and be happy, know where your going in the end, and hope the journey along the way isn't too bumpy. What I know, what everyone knows/or is finding out, is pretty dam sad, all gloom. I am happy you have a little girl, she is your most precious "possession", at least until she gets married. I don't have any children. I want children, but it isn't working out so well, so far. I have been married 12 years, you would think I would have them by now. The point is, I am saving for my future children, my wife, her parents, my parents, our friends. You never really know what life is going to throw at you, so it is best to be prepared. Maybe that is a flaw of mine too, I always pretty dam prepared for every possible disaster, at any given time......that is one of the many reasons why I am so dam boring in RL.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby Thogey » Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:18 pm

Wow this is a heavy thread.

Frugi sold me an old German medal a couple years ago. Kaiser Wilhelm inscribed 'Learn to suffer without complaint'

I thought it was funny when I bought it from him (e-bay). I think it might wind up being daily ritual.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby NDFarmer » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:07 pm

I agree completely with what you guys are saying. This country is in BIG trouble. I too hope that years from now as my kids are complaining about sore backs after hauling a few tons of copper up out of the basement that it is still only worth 2X face at best. And that silver is $20.00 an ounce. And that my kids can say see "I told you the old man was nuts". Because if that happens then maybe the wouldn't have gone crazy. But I don't see that happening. I am very concerned about the future of this country and I will continue to stack copper and silver and my family and friends can just keep on making fun of me.
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:32 pm

Thogey wrote:Wow this is a heavy thread.

Frugi sold me an old German medal a couple years ago. Kaiser Wilhelm inscribed 'Learn to suffer without complaint'

I thought it was funny when I bought it from him (e-bay). I think it might wind up being daily ritual.

wow! you have a great memory. Thank you for reminding me. lol. I love it-- 'Learn to suffer without complaint'
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Re: copper pennies on TV suggestion for Real Cent

Postby mongo » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:13 pm

Hey everybody this is a really heavy thread. Alot of whats being said on here really hits home with me also. You read different things from different sources and the future looks pretty uncertain. I think most folks on here see that there is a huge storm on the horizon and what we are doing will hopefully make a difference for our familys friends and neighbors somehow. I guess what im trying to say is we as a nation have got away from what made us great in the first place. This was a nation founded on the bibical and moral principles found in the bible. Somehow some way we have lost our moral compass. We have forgotten our roots and as such we are reaping the fruit of our waywardness. I want to encourage everybody to pray. Pray for our elected representatives and pray for our President. Even if you dont agree with them and their decisions. Maybe they can receive the wisdom and insight to get this thing turned around and get us going on the right track again. They cant do it without Gods help and if we pray for them they will get the help they need.

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