mongo wrote:Hey everybody this is a really heavy thread. Alot of whats being said on here really hits home with me also. You read different things from different sources and the future looks pretty uncertain. I think most folks on here see that there is a huge storm on the horizon and what we are doing will hopefully make a difference for our familys friends and neighbors somehow. I guess what im trying to say is we as a nation have got away from what made us great in the first place. This was a nation founded on the bibical and moral principles found in the bible. Somehow some way we have lost our moral compass. We have forgotten our roots and as such we are reaping the fruit of our waywardness. I want to encourage everybody to pray. Pray for our elected representatives and pray for our President. Even if you dont agree with them and their decisions. Maybe they can receive the wisdom and insight to get this thing turned around and get us going on the right track again. They cant do it without Gods help and if we pray for them they will get the help they need.
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Will Christian prayer help a Muslim "President?" Serious question, that I would like to know. Yes this country has lost it's way and we are screwed. We need to return to our roots, but I don't see that happening until we are forced to do so through complete collapse. Just look to history for many examples. In the mean time I come to work and people call my "doctor," all the while my hands are f'ed up from stripping wire for the copper at night, I bend over to pick up pennies, I scan the parking lot for metal, I take my coworkers aluminum cans when they are done because I'm the 'nice doctor that recycles,' etc. Meanwhile folks around me are clueless and if they have some awareness it is over the political theater distraction of republician vs democrat while Rome continues to burn.