neilgin1 wrote:i'm not trying to hedge, but i might be a dunceski, i'm watching EVERYTHING trade, and it seems like you have a bunch of guys paralyzed. a LOT of that is due to the MF mess. i dont know if people really know how huge that was. Basically a LOT of accts have been frozen, etc etc.......a lot of wierdness in the mkts today. there were a small silver bulls holding retail MF accts, in every futures mkt. There were a lot of "introducing brokers" (which are small futures investment firms) who cleared thru MF and they dont know where they're "at" today. i read this lethargy hit the london metals ex, the LME, trade was slow see, THIS is why i been screaming for months, dont trade any paper investments, no futures, no etf's, no stock....i THOUGHT it was going to be an exchange defaulting, it didnt occur to me that a major futures house would crater, and what that would bring about, which is this, water logged scared markets, and thats what i see in the silver mkt, the board, watching it i dont REALLY know if we're gonna do 40 by friday. i dont have ANY paper investments, Thank God!....coz i'd be OUT. i'm really fighting fear, personally i'm set up good, but there's a few family members i'd like it have within eye shot. whole point, i should never have made this bold claim, coz frankly i dont know. Long term?...oh yeh, i KNOW. $130 first stop and 100X's face on the 90's, but other than that? i have no clue. Sometimes i think i'm going to not look at the computer/mkts/info as MUCH, and focus more locally. respectfully, neil
beauanderos wrote:What I meant to say is that we all realize no one can predict any timing moves to a particular level with pinpoint accuracy. Whenever someone posts a prediction, what we gain from that is the person's sense of hope or optimism that the price will trend in that direction. I'm going to go out on a limb here and generalize, but I would say, Neil, that what we all value most is a chance to share in the experiences of a keen mind, whose "gut instincts" are based on many years of trading experience in related fields, which, frankly, most of us don't have.
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Noooooo! I want it to go back to $25 so I can buy more!!! Then let it rocket to $50!!
neilgin1 wrote:thanks for the kudos, but you guys here have your poo poo together big time. anybody that had the foresight to start stacking at 4-5 dollars has my TOTAL respect
silverflake wrote:neilgin1, I hear ya on the paper stuff (ETFs etc. ) I am in SLV and IAU right now. I am afraid of them now. Been in a WHILE so I am up nice. I have just put some tight trade triggers in to sell on any more major breaks down. But I am getting greedy because I have been able to sell calls off of them and it's been easy money in my IRA. Sell outright or milk it some more?
Keep stacking the real stuff. Buying my first fire arm after selling some walking liberty halves. If you're gonna sell the stuff, get some land or lead dispensers right?
Had a Ruger 45. Also had a bunch of1911 pattern 45's. Had a brief moment of confusion at the range as to whether the safety went up or down to shoot on /this/ particular handgun, needed only a brief moment of consideration as to projected life expectancy if things got hairy, and sold the Ruger.neilgin1 wrote:cont post: sidearms, i prefer the Ruger P-95 9mm.
silverflake wrote:Fellas, fellas, whooooaaa my friends. I am a gun virgin. Grew up in Boston where only criminals have guns. I am starting slow - Remington 870. I will learn from here. I have good friend s guiding me. Appreciate the info but you are kind of trying to teach me surgery when I am just learning to walk. Thanks all the same though.
silverflake wrote:Perhaps now you can understand why I live in Virginia (the home of Jefferson and Washington)...
silverflake wrote:Fellas, fellas, whooooaaa my friends. I am a gun virgin. Grew up in Boston where only criminals have guns. I am starting slow - Remington 870. I will learn from here. I have good friend s guiding me. Appreciate the info but you are kind of trying to teach me surgery when I am just learning to walk. Thanks all the same though.
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