by Treetop » Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:56 am
Yeah, youd have to cook them to freeze them... drying would work better... also if your not aware, in a cool stable temp place they should keep for months anyway.... Your a landscaper right? get your crew to dig out a good root cellar perhaps?
as for growing them... if your into healthy foods potatoes are one of the worst to buy "conventional" over organic. they are in the dirt and soak up all those chems more then most things. Also if you grow them and process them right they can store for MUCH longer. especially if you grow the right varieties. also they are cheap its true, but thats because they ARE so easy to grow.
One hint though, for anyone who grow potatoes. you generally grow them from cut up potatoes themselves. this spreads disease. Its a long elaborate process to cut off the disease cycles in potatoes. They lab culture them. anyway... if you do grow them save the seeds! sadly you wont find seed on all varieties. There will be these little quarter sized pods that form out of the flowers. Let those dry down, and inside are seeds. these store for 25 plus years, or some of them will still sprout anyway! so if the disease cycle catches up to you and wipes out your crop, start from those seeds the next year. Or better yet just start over from those seeds every few years (gotta start them early to get full sized potatoes in northern places) and the diseases will never catch up to you. In warm areas you could go from seed every year if you wanted.... potatoes are a sweet plant.