Not to be a debbie downer...
The Yen [of all things] strengthening against the USD...
Japanese bonds with negative interest rates (as well as a few other countries)...
Gold going up as the USD index goes down...
Oil going down despite the USD index going down...
US tax receipts going down for many quarters in a row...
Headlines like "Stocks Stabilize after an early slide" despite graphical evidence to the contrary posted immediately adjacent to the article...
Obvious PPT activity in European, US, and Chinese markets at various intervals...
China selling large amounts of US treasuries...
Iran (and other major oil producers) beginning to insist in payment other than USD...
(Many many other production indices - too many to count, but some subject to interpretation - all heading down for many quarters in a row)
Get prepared for the crash. It's not if, or even when now. We're already in it. They are forcing the normal response into a longer, stretched-out slow motion behavior by a massive influx of printed money into the markets to buy up bonds, stocks, other assets, even selling gold outright (Canada) but they will run out of ammo at some point and short of imposition of draconian socialist controls (which they could do, but lead to other consequences) they can't stop it.