over 36 a ounce!

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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby Engineer » Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:03 pm

Cu Later wrote:y r "they" expected today or tomorrow? details please.

Bernacke is supposed to talk tomorrow.
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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby halfhunter » Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:24 pm

Engineer wrote:
Cu Later wrote:y r "they" expected today or tomorrow? details please.

Bernacke is supposed to talk tomorrow.

QE-III . . . Maybe ? ! ? !

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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby saltydecks » Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:11 am

I see over 40 and maybe over 50 soon... but watch for one more dip under 35 first
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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby Engineer » Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:33 am

lance wrote:How does the government manipulate the actual price of silver? In terms of going in and regulating the price? Im new to this and just dont see how its legal or why they do thay?

I think the better question is how don't they regulate it. They have influence over the exchanges where they can apply pressure to raise or lower margins. The fed could directly try to short the market or make overnight loans to bankers who are willing to do it for them. Another way is jawboning. If Bernacke makes a small change in wording tomorrow silver could easily take a 2 dollar dive. If he makes a major change in wording, a $10 move could be in the works...and then there's all the stuff we don't know about. :?
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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby cesariojpn » Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:42 am

Engineer wrote:
lance wrote:How does the government manipulate the actual price of silver? In terms of going in and regulating the price? Im new to this and just dont see how its legal or why they do thay?

I think the better question is how don't they regulate it. They have influence over the exchanges where they can apply pressure to raise or lower margins. The fed could directly try to short the market or make overnight loans to bankers who are willing to do it for them. Another way is jawboning. If Bernacke makes a small change in wording tomorrow silver could easily take a 2 dollar dive. If he makes a major change in wording, a $10 move could be in the works...and then there's all the stuff we don't know about. :?

The Eddie Murphy Rule?
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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby Nickelmeister » Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:13 am

Engineer wrote:
lance wrote:How does the government manipulate the actual price of silver? In terms of going in and regulating the price? Im new to this and just dont see how its legal or why they do thay?

I think the better question is how don't they regulate it. They have influence over the exchanges where they can apply pressure to raise or lower margins. The fed could directly try to short the market or make overnight loans to bankers who are willing to do it for them. Another way is jawboning. If Bernacke makes a small change in wording tomorrow silver could easily take a 2 dollar dive. If he makes a major change in wording, a $10 move could be in the works...and then there's all the stuff we don't know about. :?

You nailed it!!!
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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby 0000PaleHorse0000 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:57 am

I wish I had that man's powers!
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Re: over 36 a ounce!

Postby uthminsta » Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:00 pm

(shakes head in disgust)
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