joeinnj wrote:Whats the boards pro / con opinion of the varies online PM Dealers?
I've personally been loyal to Providence yet of late SilverTowne has been gaining my business.
SilverTowne has no additional charges for credit card use, free shipping and for 90% purchases they realy mix it up (Dimes, Quarters and Halfs) where-as Providences Junk deliveries have been Quarters n Quarters only.
Any other dealers I'm missing out there?
I realy appreciate SilverTownes no cc fee and mixing up the 90%
Oh, make no mistake about, you're paying an additional charge for C.C. use. Everybody who uses a C.C. anywhere does. It's rolled right into the price. Per the C.C issuers T.O.A., merchants cannot charge a fee for accepting said C.C. But, they cam offer discounts to those who don't force said merchant to incur that extra expense by using a C.C.
People make the mistake of confusing the offering of a discount to non C.C. users as an extra fee to those who do. Non C.C. customers are not creating an extra business expense for the merchant. By offering non C.C customers discounts they are merely passing the savings on to said customer.
As to your original question, there are several members here who sell on a regular basis. They would be worth looking into.