Alright, I know Aluminum is not a PM, but my question is concerning it and PM's. Every morning I pull out my iPad and launch the Kitco app, and look at the Metals. The metals I have saved is Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Copper, Nickel, Aluminum, and Zinc. Most days last year I would launch it and all metals would have an increase and be in GREEN but only 1 metal would show a loss in RED and that would be Aluminum!!
Well the past 2-3 weeks when almost all metals have been showing a loss, Aluminum is showing a gain!! So my question is, WHAT'S UP WITH ALUMINUM???? I could understand if all the PM's went up and the Base Metals went down and vice versa, but thats not the case. Everything goes up, and Aluminum goes down. Or Aluminum goes up and everything else goes down! Can someone explain?
-The Great