beauanderos wrote:Chief wrote:If Ag hits $26, I'd not only back up one truck but two. MANY ounces will be mine, if anyone is selling...
You guys are in for a major shock... if you think you'll just be able to put the truck in reverse and load up. The days of saving and holding onto your fiat, waiting for a price dip to get back in are very nearly come to an end. Physical silver (in my case) 90% junk... is getting harder and harder to source, and the last thing I want to do is sell out my inventory, have cash in hand, but not be able to replace what I sold at a reasonable price. Supply and demand are the drivers here, not the false COMEX derived price for physical. Physical silver is priced multiples below where it should be, as will become evident for those who pull up this thread two years from now. I will be severely restricting any further sales myself, as I am unable even now to replace it with any reliability. Paradigm shift is fast approaching folks, if you have the opportunity to stack, NOW is the time... unrelated to price... very much related to true scarcity amidst perceived availability.
AMEN!!!! Raymundo....but before i get into it, lemme just say "Cheers"!
how about another one ....CHEERS!!!
i have not sold a single toz yet,,,,,,,,,and to sell a toz for what?!?
paper?....btw, i never refer to 90's as "junk silver" know what junk is ? reading posts of fellers who are all over this forum, when their short term "timing" calls get lucky, and everybody is thanking them for being such an ASSet to their forum, but when the comex market lingers or goes south after they "called" for higher prices....they're as scarce as a clean sheet in a crowded cat house...CHEERS!!!
no,i love 90%'er's and 40's...coz it has that "United States of America" on EVERY SINGLE COIN, and two weekends ago, i got in the mood.
(i spent the last week in the hospital, eating pain killers, and meat loaf with mashed potatoes/gravy, made a real nice friend of nurse [shucks]....beautiful brunette, i was sick as a dog, but i was making her laugh, regaling her with tales of my past life on the west coast,,,i thought she was 33, coz she was shift nurse, but guess what, she was 23, and OH, did she like me, her mentor told me,my idea of leaving her a thank you card with my home phone was a great idea...i think her mentor has some inside wasnt her beauty that got to me, it was that we would sit there talking like two old friends, and when she was going off shift, she sat on my bed, and i remember reaching my hand out and we clutched each other hands, first two, then all four, so tight, i thought we were going to break them...its just happened...maybe coz we didnt know if we'd see each other again, which is why my "thank you" card might blow here mind...we shall see)
anyway, i had a feeling the weekend before christmas andinto Christmass, everybody was into drinking egg nog, so i went to work. just one example...i saw $20 Fv of 64 Kennedy Proofs, i had to havethem , fromthe pics they looked flawless, so i bid...not a crazy bid either, and i got 'em.....and raymundo,i', looking at them now and wow......efffing FLAWLESS and i mean flawless, MIRROR flawless. i dont have stuff graded, coz i dont slab, but i;m telling ya, this got to be MS67's , at the least....37 of the 40 of them..some COULD BE MS69's, i kid you not...and i got them for 32 times,,,that the beauty part,,,,,got a mess of 40 Kenn proofs with DCAMS, ar 12 times!!!...AND, i got my last long rifle, more like a varmint rifle....a ruger 10.22 stainless,(also got one in walnut and blued) and a 4 k of CCI minimags, if you know 22's , a mini mag is darn near an anti personnel round...after that rotten demonshot those dear babies, within 2 days TOPS, there was not one AR to be had withing a 150 mile radius.....its like a whole different world.....mind you Ray, pre the school shooting i had my stuff wired down big time, so i wasnt worried...i could still get a 30-30 lever, or a 44 lever, or a 300 Ultra mag, etc....but when i buy a new rifle or sidearm, you SHOULD get at the very least 1k rounds of the ammo of that wep, and the rounds are in the $1 per round plus range.....a 300 ultraMag round is $3 per.
well old pal,Happy happy and one more thing...CHEERS!!!!
oh wait, thinking of silver, weps and beautiful brunnettes,made me forget your query.....we could go down and test the weekly chart support at 26....but if anybdy thinks they're getting physical down there...they are dreaming.
i'll say this again, we cut thru 50 up to 70....then $130....then $250-500