Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Short Yen/ Go long Yuan
inflationhawk wrote:By comparison, they are printing it far faster than us. Yen will sink.
Ecotic wrote:No, I really wouldn't. After years of deflation and Japanese companies being devastated by a strong yen killing their exports the Japanese government has announced a very aggressive inflation policy. It's been dubbed "Abenomics".
If you want to take advantage of this I would recommend buying the stock of Japanese companies set to benefit from this policy.
shinnosuke wrote:It will quickly become obvious that there is no way Japan can pay back her sovereign debt. She will not be able to borrow money at low interest rates. The result will be a massive default. All her paper will burn up like a moth in a bug-zapper. If you love Japan like I do, you have to mourn for her. This game of musical chairs is almost over.
Japan is already printing more than half of her annual budget. With a rapidly aging population and a dash of xenophobia, there is no readily apparent solution.
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