by pennypicker » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:00 pm
pennypicker wrote:You will be far more likely to have your PM hoard "confiscated" by a neighborhood druggie who broke into your house than you ever will having the government legally take. I spend no time worrying about government confiscation and instead focus my efforts on the best possible hiding places inside my home to thwart any scumbag druggie--and druggies are everywhere!
What prompted my above reply is because of what happened to my neighbor directly across the street who is a probation officer. He has been a long time collector of vintage baseball cards and (had) a 30 year collection at his home in a 6 ft tall safe. Somehow word got out and one evening someone knocked on his door and as soon as he opened it two unsavory individuals rush in and pistol whipped him and then tied him to a chair. They demanded the combination to the safe. At first Henry declined but was then severely pistol whipped again and suffered a broken orbital bone and permanent eye damage.
Henry then gave up the combination and the thieves made off with his entire collection that had a book value of $118K. He also had many coins as well.
So the government is the least of our worries. We live in a drug infested society and your worst enemies and biggest threat to your hoard reside within your own community
"If I had to pick one player to take the last shot to win the game I would pick Michael Jordan...if I had to pick one player to take the last shot to save my life I would pick Larry Bird"--PAT RILEY, L.A. Lakers Head Coach
"I'd rather play against Michael Jordan than Larry Bird...Jordan made you look bad but Bird made you look stupid!"--JAMES WORTHLY, Laker Hall-of-Famer