First let me say that I think Ron Paul is the only honest man in Washington and at this point he's got my 2012 vote. I fully support ending the war on terror, the war on drugs, and breaking up the global banking cartel. I'm all for ending the corporate welfare as well.
Barron's had a take down piece on him over the weekend ("Candidate of Doom and Gloom"). I know Barron's is a propaganda tool of the wall street crooks, but I found this portion of the article interesting:
"TO OUR SURPRISE, Paul's financial disclosures reveal no holdings of physical gold, gold coins, or gold equivalents like certain exchange-traded gold funds, which is confounding, given his strident advocacy of the metal as an insurance policy against the almost-certain debasement of the currency by politicians and central bankers. So we dug around a little. In his financial-disclosure form for the years 1994 through 2002, Paul reported holding "semi-numismatic" coins worth between $100,001 and $250,000. But from 2003 onward, they were never mentioned again."
Do you think he sold his gold, or is he just not disclosing it anymore?