Some of the tracking threads are great and some of the finds that RC folks find in the wild are absolutely amazing (ie: Hoard's birthday box). I absolutely enjoy reading them. I am like most of you, in that I go through thousands of coins in an effort to find those small (silver/copper) treasures.

I have always wanted to post my finds in these threads, as I go through some serious coin (Hoard knows) and feel that I can give some of you top guys (CardsnCoins, beauanderos) a real run for your money (no pun intended). Call me the tin foil hat type if you want, but what holds me back from posting my regular finds is that I don't want anyone (Govt or individual person) to know what I have found, as I consider it to be poor OPSEC. Sure, I'll tell a couple of my trusted friends now and then and will even do a Show & Tell story at the local coin club occasionally about my finds (silver/copper or other)...but any significant/large finds are, to me..well, nobody's business except my own. There, I said it.
So let's look at this realistically. Even for the top folks that are doing some serious volume where the finds are substantial and rewards are numbering in the thousands (in FRN's) per month/year/whatever...could the goobermint come after an individual if they saw what kinds of things you were posting here in cyberspace? Is it possible? Could they even make it stick in a court of law, for (IRS) tax purposes? Ex: just because I type it here in cyberspace doesn't mean it's totally true. Even if they could, initial thoughts are that the profits (if you could even call them that legally) couldn't be taxed anyway until the time of a 'sale' etc. In other words, does the goobermint even care, or are we such a small/tiny group here with such small numbers that it doesn't even matter and they won't waste their time, as they have bigger fish to fry etc. How worried are you about posting your silver finds??
Of course, all the USA finds are legal tender coins, so my first instinct is no (I'm not worried about foreign coins). But still, I really would appreciate hearing from some of the regular sorters on this issue, and specifically, some of those who post their findings in tracking threads (especially silver). heck, perhaps I should even start a poll on the subject.
Thanks for listening.