So I was visiting a friend a few weeks ago a couple hours from my house and we saw a couple of garage sale signs near his place and did some browsing. I did find a very nice foreign lot and did more than well on it.

Front of coins: ... front.jpg/
Back of coins: ... sback.jpg/
Weights (I assumed 1.6 grams for the card/holder. The estimated numbers below are for the coin only):
row 1 (single coin): 25.7g
row 2, 3 coins. A: 25.8g B: 25.4g C: 25.7g
row 3, 2 coins (yen): A: 22.6g B: 24.6g
row 4, 3 coins: A: Kiang Nan Province 24.6g B: An-Hua Province 26g C: An-Hua Province 25.9g