beauanderos wrote:Ok, so we find a South Seas island, set up an offshore Bank, and only allow other preppers to become stakeholders
neilgin1 wrote:Maxwell House
Hills Brothers
Morsecode wrote:I've often wondered how far They would let it go before interceding in a game changing way; gold at $3000, $4000, $5000? Silver at $200, $300...?
You know there's never going to come the day when TPTB toss in the towel and say, 'hey, you metal guys were right after all. The dollar is worthless, the equity markets have tanked...we're all so screwed - except for you 3% of the population with the gold and folks'll be just fine'
Price is beyond their control. Their influence can be applied to manipulate possession. But their real power lies in regulating redemption. Watch how fast it becomes a felony to accept a Mercury dime for a tank of gas.
That is, if we get to that phase...
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Great article! Good read! Good discussion!
As I read all this I thought of just a few things. Some have already been mentioned, some have not.
Gold was confiscated in 1933 via Executive Order. The current crop of politicians don't have a wiff of loyalty to the Constitution their forerunners had in the 30's, so, it's a no-brainer what will happen to PMs when TSHTF.
During the 2000's whare-housed nickel was "borrowed" without the consent of it's true owners to end the nickel price spike. Message: it's already been done with commodities, too.
During the 80's the Savings and Loan industry collapsed. The FSLIC was supposed to take care of everyone. It was so overwhelmed by bilked depositors, they only got pennies on the dollar as settlement. This has already happened before. Your deposits are not near as safe as you think they are.
Carefully read the fine print of your bank account papers you signed the day you opened a bank account. Chances are the legal ground work for a "bail-in" are already in place with your bank. Who needs the government to do that for them, when they have already done it for themselves?
ALL government sanctioned savings accounts are subject to confiscation. It has already happened in South America. The governments there seized ALL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS and set up some type of system where they would dole out your money in monthly checks like Social Security payments. That way you could never withdraw more than they wanted you to have. Can't you hear it already? " Come now, Comrade. Don't you know the government can manage your assets better then you can?"
It happened in Bolivia not too long ago. People went to bed with money in the bank and when they woke up the next morning~~ their money had been re-valuated. The government did it overnight while everyone was asleep. If you had $1,000 in the bank the night before, you only had $100 the next morning.
My favorite quote from the article is: "Only a tiny percentage will be prepared to say, "We've been systematically raped and robbed by both our government and our banks, in full complicity with each other. It's high time I put what I have left in a sack and find a way to protect it on my own." "
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