Thogey wrote:Can someone break out that four points political chart. I used to be a little more of a flag waver. This forum has definitely moved my orientation away from right-wing Republican dogma. I actually despise the republican party. They really are parasites sapping the true patriots away persevering what's left of our liberty.
The 10 question quiz that tells 97% of people they are a Libertarians? (Warning: bubbles may be bursted, break out tin foil hats.) That quiz was created by the libertians as a marketing tool to try and convince everybody (expect Stalin and Ayatollah khomeini) They were in fact (wait for it, here it comes) LIBERTARIANS!
Gee whiz beaver, you're trying to say that most people are not libertarians? No, their not. However the quiz is rigged to make you think that. Frankly, many people consider themselves true libertarians are just fiscal conservatives. The other have of being a libertarian is also being a social liberal. So to be a libertarian, you hate taxes but also want open borders (come on over mexicans!). You want to end OSHA but you also think that drugs should be legalized.
Most people are complex in their political thinking and don't fit into neat little boxes. Meanwhile the major political parties of the United States used to be big tents, they have both gone through purges. (Example: The Democrats kicked the pro lifers to the crub and meanwhile the Republicans threw out pro choicers.) I digress...