neilgin1 wrote:great posts, there are some really fine minds on this forum...for sure.
@RR guy, i see your picture now, and preface my last post in humility. i've only been buying silver coinage since Feb of 2008, though i been either trading and involved in commodity markets(ag and energy) since 1981. But i had no idea your involvement in coinage and/or metals, and i'm assuming your knowledge base is vast. That said, when i read your return post, a couple things to mind. i'm not a wealthy man, i'm not a poor man, i have exactly what i need. From what you wrote, extensive holdings of PM's at 5% of your wealth?...cazart! older brother, you got some wealth. IF IT WAS ME, given my assessment of how bad and going to worse things are, i'd slash and burn my way up to 50% physical PM holdings in your possession, fully mindful of any gummit tomchicanery which could include both confiscation and/or making private ownership of pms illegal, i would not put it past them. That exactly the reason they made backhoes, concrete, rebar and large steel culverts to be sunk in said trench.
people tell me i'm paranoid...i just smile, nod my head and pray they never have to clutch a govt ration coupon book waiting in a block long line.
the only other two trades i like, is wood and water, put 30% in to that, buy a place with a county seat no more than 4k in population, make sure its got a NICE extensive woodlot, tillable ground and spring water.
the other 20%, put into the damn FRN's and other paper investments, maybe solid common stock, oil, pharma, mickeydee's, just for appearance sakes. Personally i dont trust ANY paper, either FRNS, T-notes and bonds, whether they be 90 day, 2, 5, 10, 30 year stuff, and especially i dont trust these ETF's.....i KNOW these guy$, know their games, their greed, their myopic selfish nature, and they are running towards ruin...trouble is a lot of innocent folk are going to be hurting, thats the crime. Because to he who has been given much, much will be expected, and in the halls of leadership, of commerce, most of these men have failed the commonweal.
thats just me, that's the mix i would do, had i 7 to 9 digit my small scale, i've done that mix, and will continue as such.
This doesn't make sense at the 7 digit level, let alone the 9 digit (100 million) level
Having "safety reserves" can easily be done for well under a million. For the rest of it invest in methods you feel will appreciate if the economy stays around. If it doesn't then owning land that you can't personally defend with your own guns is worthless anyway.