beauanderos wrote:penny and nickel will retain their old ratio under a new devalued dollar... one to five. I imagine they would increase tenfold in the event of a dollar devaluation, coupled with an increase in their recognized value due to their intrinsic worth. But silver will no longer be money utilized in mercantile exchange, as it will prove too cumbersome to negotiate with when its price soars. The possible exception might be one gram of .999 silver, say for instance if you're buying a week's worth of groceries. I'm assuming $500 to $600 silver under this scenario, but with the endless QE's silver will more likely surpass gold's current valuations within this decade. I could foresee the innovation of "silver paper money" in which a few mil thick strip of silver was embossed upon a paper bill. The strip could be narrowed and shortened, as needed, to float with its then current valuation, if their were yet financial instability at that point following a reversion to a partially bimetallic backed dollar, or NWF (New World Fiat)
i knew you'd get back on this one, good job that...its late in the evening...(for me, so can we REALLY get into this tommorrow in depth?....coz this is the whole reason why we stack...Boy Scouts? Be Perpared?).......but what you're saying right here, shifts the paradigm a whole lotta bit.....i aint disagreeing with you one iota, i'm of the conviction too, (nominal) price of $500 plus,
so ...lets just take a 40% Kenn, with .15 toz of silver....or a 90 dime with .07 toz of's what i dont understand you wrote:
" But silver will no longer be money utilized in mercantile exchange, as it will prove too cumbersome to negotiate with when its price soars." do you mean that 40 Kenn....oh wait, i get it....since silver would be "worth" 600 2013 dollars, that .15 toz of silver in a 40 Kenn, would be akin to having a hundred dollar bill and a fifty dollar bill in me mitts?.....or the knightly American Silver Eagle ...just one .999 silver coin would have the buying power of anywhere from 600 to thousand (2013) dollars?
(i been sitting here for ten minutes just looking at these typed words, thinking of the implications and trying to collate all that)
man!...the implications of when "post dollar" happens are enormous, no wonder the dots are buying lead in the billion of rounds, it aint a "jack boot" thing in totality, its that most people, the "nine meals away" 'average person' crowds...and the hordes that chimp out on Black Fridays, (you see them on youtube) ....when 'post dollar' comes...(when NOT IF)......people are going to die, a lot of them.
(another ten minutes go by).......THATS what you meant by going "fractional"!! there's what, 31...or 32 grams in a toz, right?..
i wanna pick this up in the morning..too many weird strange calls coming in, n