It's just me and how I feel. So no one take this personal 'cause it's not directed to anyone personal. I love this place and the people in it (period). Truly, I stand by the feedback I've posted and who I've posted it for! But, It's kinda like when I bid on Feebay, once the price reaches a point I've predetermined, I stop bidding.
In this case, it's the premiums on silver. I know one could make the argument at this price it will look cheap in the future. I don't disagree. However when the premiums for 90% and .999 run consistantly @ >13.5% and >17.5% over spot respectively and higher here on Realcent, I close the purse strings.
And ya, I know it's worse any and everywhere else but that means jack to me. And I know that when the price drops the premium increases. I take it all to mean that either physical is getting real tight or folks who sell are. And if physical is getting that tight it's time to hold on for the ride. Maybe look at some small moves on paper silver while it is cheap. Also means it's time to sort more.