whats the resale or actual value of something like this

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whats the resale or actual value of something like this

Postby kidman232 » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:35 pm

just wondering how much markup there are on items like this

http://www.samsclub.com/sams/0-20-ct-t- ... 20.ip#desc

ive been thinking about buying a cross for someone, would prefer to get something with a little pop to it, but want to get my moneys worth without spending a ton.
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Re: whats the resale or actual value of something like this

Postby Robarons » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:47 pm

If you wanna buy new never-been-used that is going to be your best bet. But it has 2-3 grams of gold at best and the diamonds are worthless, they are too small and poor quality to have any resale value.

HOWEVER if you buy this kind of stuff from a scrapper you can get it for 95%-100% of melt, which is cheaper- that same necklace would be $90 out the door from a scrapper. You can get a lot nicer things at a value where it is easier to appreciate to gold spot if gold goes up. You will NEVER recoup the prices if you buy new jewelry- there are people that bought gold in 1995 at $300 oz in jewelry form and are just now breaking even.

I would buy a used piece of jewelry, have it cleaned really good, and say you bought it!

Math used:
3 Grams of 14K for item posted

$26/Gram at $1550

$84 Scrap Value from a reasonable Dealer, therefore its current resale value
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Re: whats the resale or actual value of something like this

Postby blackrabbit » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:55 pm

I doubt there is even 2-3 grams of gold. Is the chain actually gold? It does not say so I would not assume it is. I would guess more like one gram. Put up an add looking for one at spot. You will find a much better value and I bet at least as nice bling to it.
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Re: whats the resale or actual value of something like this

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:07 pm

kidman232 wrote:ive been thinking about buying a cross for someone, would prefer to get something with a little pop to it, but want to get my moneys worth without spending a ton.

Consider looking for Sterling pieces instead of gold if you want to save money.
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Re: whats the resale or actual value of something like this

Postby CLINT-THE-GREAT » Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:17 pm

Both Gentlemen are giving you very good advice. I would also add that go to a few estate auctions, jewelry RARELY, in my experience, go for over spot.

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Re: whats the resale or actual value of something like this

Postby frugalcanuck » Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:08 am

If you want new for close to spot you can find it in India. I bought some 24k jewlery for under 3% over spot. You have to be careful when you buy though.
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