Just did a scan, and mark of Ebay...and i'm telling you, guys are just throwing the kitchen sink at this silver market.
i concentrate on the "rolls' market...US coins only, and i'm telling you, there are some great rolls around, you find a lot of Franklins, and Washingtons, BU's all fetching 30 times plus....but i also see a LOT of mixed date rolls, which means to me, POSSIBLY that folks are emptying out collections, bundling rolls and selling.
AND, i've also seen a whole LOT of ASE rolls been offered and trading in the $850 plus range....LOTS and lots, but ALL of it is being met by great demand.
What i'm not seeing are the great number of Morgan rolls and Peace rolls, i was seeing about a month ago...there's some, but not the solid date gem BU rolls i saw before.
so two forces could be at play, either "weak" hands are just raising FRN's.......or strong hands are lightening up for a dip in the market....what do you all think?
honestly i dont know. (i do KNOW that lil Fran has opened the township garbage dump, and i gotta haul garbage down...hee hee, that dear woman has told me shes saved plastic planting pots for me)
my gut tells me, we go higher..BUT.....if equities get slammed becoz of these haircuts masquerading as legislators in DC, could silver get slammed like it did in the 08-09 meltdown?
this is going to be a very interesting week, God save the USA.