I went to one of my pick up banks and my halves didn't come in yet and the merchant teller asked me what I was looking for.
I usually just say older collectible ones vs saying silver.
She then said she collects the silver ones. She said a couple weeks ago a woman came in with 2 solid rolls of 90% silver and was turning them in; the teller pointed out to her that they were silver and the woman said she really didn't care that she just really needed the money; the teller told me she bought one roll and another teller bought the other roll.
She then told me how a local merchant brought in a deposit yesterday and had a $1 face of silver dimes and once again she pointed this out to the merchant and the merchant said they really didn't care and just to deposit them; of course the teller bought those too.
I tried to talk her into selling me any silver she finds at a fair price but she just kind of smiled and kept talking.
She told me that at her old branch an old man had over $600 face of silver certificates from the early 1900's and when he died his widow came in and just wanted to cash them in at face value; she said the old lady said she didnt think they were real and just wanted the money; she told me they were in pristine condition and they verified they were the real thing; she said her bank manager ended up buying them at face value from the woman.
I jokingly told her that I should get a part time job at a bank; my daily finds were only a single Franklin and a 40% half; I felt my finds were insignificant compared to the teller's haha