Market Harmony wrote:C'mon guys... think smart. Silver didn't run, gold did. The GSR is in the 40's and declining. Play a countered position hedge... short GLD, long SLV. Ain't that tough to do.
beauanderos wrote:Market Harmony wrote:C'mon guys... think smart. Silver didn't run, gold did. The GSR is in the 40's and declining. Play a countered position hedge... short GLD, long SLV. Ain't that tough to do.
How can you say silver didn't run? It fell by a greater percentage basis than gold did.
Market Harmony wrote:C'mon guys... think smart. Silver didn't run, gold did. The GSR is in the 40's and declining. Play a countered position hedge... short GLD, long SLV. Ain't that tough to do.
Know Common Cents wrote:All the CNBC goofs are basically saying, "I told you so" about gold being in a bubble. Makes me POed big time. We'll still have the last laugh, I'm confident.
franklin wrote:Just pretend it didn't ever go over 1900.
Yesterday that Michelle chic at CNBC told the English guy that gold was on its way down and not a good investment. True to form, he shoved it right down her throat by deadpanning "Yeah, what's it up for the month, 20%?" I love that guy as well as Santelli.
neilgin1 wrote:...where is Thomas Jefferson when we need him?
shinnosuke wrote:Umm, $1805.80, ladies. Thanks go out to The Bernank.
Edited to say that at 3:33P it's $1824.80. That was some correction.
beauanderos wrote:neilgin1 wrote:...where is Thomas Jefferson when we need him?
So anyway, Osama Bin Laden gets summoned from Death's Waiting Room and he exits thru the only door. He sees a staircase of golden steps ascending into the clouds. "Ah, Praise Allah," he says to himself "it must be Heaven." So he begins to climb the steps, his excitement growing with each small advance that he makes, at what awaits him. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a grey-haired old man rushes and tackles him, then proceeds to kick the crap out of him. As he is leaving he says to him "My name is George Washington, and this is what you get for what you did to my country!" Osama, shaken, gets up and continues to climb the stairs again, albeit quite fatigued now and aching all over. All of a sudden another grey-haired old man attacks him, pummeling him with his fists until his face is a pulpy mess, and declaring "I'm John Adams... and this is what you get for the way you treated American citizens!" Osama, now trembling in fear, slowly begins to once again mount the stairs, whereupon a third grey-haired old man attacks him, beating him within an inch of his life. He stares down triumphantly at the cowering man at his feet and shouts "I'm Thomas Jefferson, and we don't let scum like you get away with the crimes you committed against the United States. Osama can't believe his own eyes. All his life he had placed his faith in the promises of the Koran... and yet this had occurred. He agonizingly drags himself the few remaining stairs to the top, where a bearded ancient man in a white robe is making entries in a ledger. "Are you God?" Osama utters. "No," says St. Peter, "but I can answer any questions you might have." Osama lifts his tired head one final time and asks "but what about the 72 virgins awaiting me in Heaven?"
St. Peter looks down disdainfully upon the disgraced man and says...
"That was 72 Virginians, you fool."
beauanderos wrote:How was Osama supposed to know that? Adams just wanted to get in on the fun!(Uh... Doug? That was the way the joke was told to me... don't kill the messenger, alright?) So change it already, I'm sure plenty of Founding Fathers WERE from Virginia
Ok, so you want to be a perfectionist? Substitute Patrick Henry for John Adams... but then most Americans wouldn't get the joke! You want to know what was REALLY funny??? After I read what I had typed, I realized I had written Obama every time, instead of Osama, after the first usage of his name.
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