Commemorative Silver Boxes

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Commemorative Silver Boxes

Postby amalekidad » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:07 pm

Hey RealCenters, I DON’T have a bunch of commemorative silver. ;) If I did, I would be running out of room for copper. :o The fact is that most of the commemorative silver comes in boxes that take up 3 - 5 times the space of the actual coin. If you had some of these boxed coins would you throw out the extra boxes :?:

If I actually had some of these coins, a follow up question would be; :? do you take the coins out of the mint plastic and put them in rolls, plastic tubes, or other holders :?:
Thanks :!:
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Re: Commemorative Silver Boxes

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:16 pm

Well, if I had a bunch of those (which I don't ;) ) I would save a few of the best or most interesting, for either myself or possible later numi interest, and re-package up the rest as coins. But that's just me.
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Re: Commemorative Silver Boxes

Postby Know Common Cents » Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:00 am

There are some purists who absolutely demand the commem boxes and all mint-issued inserts, etc. For coins of a value more than a couple hundred FRNs, I might be inclined to do so. All others, they're liberated from the bulky packaging.

I was fortunate in 2005 to fall into a deal involving silver commem dollars. They now live in tubes and I have no regrets. They were sold to me as bullion and that's the way they remain. Look at APMEX's offerings. They have lots of commems for sale (in scruffy or pristine condition), but none are in the boxes. Most coin dealers say they'll buy and sell them, but again it's only on a bullion basis. Realistically, I don't have room for all the extra cardboard. Twenty Statue of Liberty silver dollars are much more portable than 20 boxes of one each.

Most of the commem silver dollars are listed in the Grey Sheet at a price comparable to VG 1921 Morgan dollar. Their prices rise and fall based on the POS and nothing else.
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Re: Commemorative Silver Boxes

Postby Penniesarefun » Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:10 am

I keep all the proofs in their mint-issued packaging. I think it always helps at re-sale time if there is any numi premium at all. For commemorative silver, though, probably not.
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