50centsaver wrote:In response to your posts, if only 1% (isn't that the % of people who are investing in PC) of the population has PC, what kind of world will be living in?
Rampant crime to survive?
Is it worth all this hoarding?
OneBiteAtATime wrote:Is it worth all this hoarding?
50centsaver wrote:It's also possible that PM will go way down and stay down during our lifetimes. It's a possibility. Personally, I doubt it and hope they don't. But for example Robert Prechter of Elliot Wave fame- projects DEflation, that gold will go eventually go way down to 680/oz and silver way back down to 8/oz (I hope I'm remembering those totals correctly but I KNOW his predictions are in those ballparks), before eventually rising again.
I'm personally hoarding metals hoping that the price of all PM will skyrocket during my retirement- in 10 or so years.
Re my posts I'm just playing devil's advocate trying to look at all scenarios. I am thinking of trying to center on "balance", as has been suggested by many realcent posters- having both PM and cash, the logic of not having all eggs in one basket.
pennypicker wrote:This is one of the best threads I've read in a while on this board. I always find it extremely interesting when members speak of how they feel our society will be like when the SHTF. I recently moved from the Los Angeles area to a small town called Medford, Or. One of the primary reasons I moved was that I can only imagine how incredibly chaotic and violent the Los Angeles area will become when the SHTF and I don't want to be anywhere near it.
50centsaver wrote:68Camaro I'd like to see the article you mention. Thanks.
JJM wrote:If history is to repeat itself, we must have deflation before you can have hyperinflation. While we've had deflation in certain areas since 2008, it's better described as stagflation (some inflation, some deflation).
JJM wrote:I'm not a big fan of Prechter, but it's interesting to note that the man Jim Sinclair credits with coming up with the $1764(?)/ oz of gold number of his goes by the name of Alf (somebody). Alf uses Elliot Wave theory to predict the future price of gold, based on it's past prices since becoming unhinged from the U.S. Gov't. He states that the theory doesn't work very well in any market outside of gold (historically), but that it works extremely well in gold. (I'm paraphrasing here quite a bit...) Alf doesn't say it will retract as far as Pretcher however. And as of right now, it apears Alf and Jim are all wet - gold surpassed that number earlier this year but hasn't gone parabolic. I'm not saying this won't happen, in fact, I suspect it probably will. Jim was a year or so "late" on $1600 gold, it might be a year or two before we hit the parabolic blow-off yet...
pennypicker wrote:This is one of the best threads I've read in a while on this board. I always find it extremely interesting when members speak of how they feel our society will be like when the SHTF. I recently moved from the Los Angeles area to a small town called Medford, Or. One of the primary reasons I moved was that I can only imagine how incredibly chaotic and violent the Los Angeles area will become when the SHTF and I don't want to be anywhere near it.
50centsaver wrote:"while the US will continue to digress as we loss world currency status."
It sure aint happening today- the dollar looks to be strengthening. May just be in the short term, but sure is puzzling. We'll see what happens as this all plays out...
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