city38 wrote:looks like a nice porter or stout there jack! extract is the way to go imo. do you buy supplies from a local store or mail order? has a good selection of products.
Lemon Thrower wrote:i have never seen a water lock like that. we used to use a very short s-curved piece of tubing.
alpacafarmer wrote:Been brewing for 20 years and you just can't beat fresh beer. Started growing my own hops 2 years ago. I like to use the extract with some specialty grains steeped in for more body and better head retention. Another brew supply place I like is Beer, Beer and more Beer as they have free shipping.
justoneguy wrote:I have blackberries and access to free plums and apples,
so that's what i brew.
with the hard cider i freeze it to remove a lot of the water.
it's called apple jack
i call mine "happy jack "
george washington and thomas jefferson made it too
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