If any of you have ever used the Kitco Pool Account trading, I would appreciate some feedback on it.
https://online.kitco.com/bullion/comple ... html#kpool
I was kind of leaning toward putting some money in that rather than other paper trading. Transaction fee is only like $8.98 if you do it online. They have a pretty decent spread between the price they buy at vs the price they will sell it to you at, so this drives the cost of doing this up a little. I don't think the spread is any greater than that of our local coin shop though. Could do any size of order you want though and don't have to worry about low volume like on some of the futures trading. I have never been a big fan of "leveraging". Don't want to risk it unless I can do without it!
On another point, I had an interesting conversation about physical PM's today with a financial adviser. He says that on transactions of bullion type material, the coin dealers don't have to record anything to the "powers that be" if it's less than $10,000. Therefore, no capital gains or income tax if you do it correctly. Never thought about doing that but was surprised that he brought it up since he is a financial adviser. Any thoughts????
I am like so many others right now. Kind of worried about the investments I have getting into the hands of the wrong people like what happened to the unlucky ones at MF Global. From that standpoint alone, I guess stay diversified and have some physical in the safe deposit box just in case. Can't hurt anything! Don't get out of this area too much but the economy here in SE IA is far from showing any signs of recovery.
I had an economics instructor that predicted a lot of this back in 94-95 and he said at that time, "the next one we will have blood in the streets!" He was big on exponential growth and how the systems that rely on that principle just can't last for ever (energy, economics, even water supplys). Well guess what, here we are. Just wish I would have listened to him a little closer, could have retired by now (36).