Silver Addict wrote:why pay a 30% premium for sprott silver (it's still paper) when you can call up tulving (and most other large dealers) and buy SAE's for around 10% premium?
Silver Addict wrote:why pay a 30% premium for sprott silver (it's still paper) when you can call up tulving (and most other large dealers) and buy SAE's for around 10% premium?
Silver Addict wrote:why pay a 30% premium for sprott silver (it's still paper) when you can call up tulving (and most other large dealers) and buy SAE's for around 10% premium?
bigjohn56 wrote:Silver Addict wrote:why pay a 30% premium for sprott silver (it's still paper) when you can call up tulving (and most other large dealers) and buy SAE's for around 10% premium?
And Tulving sells 1,000 ounce Comex deliverable JM bars for 29 cents over. The idea that anyone cares about the premium on this fund and that it somehow shows that silver is in short supply is laughable.
camtender wrote:I would guess that some of the premium is due to the nature of some investment vehicles, such as a self-directed 401(k), that make it much easier to invest in PSLV that physical silver. The better question may be why are people investing in PSLV with the 30% premium vs. SLV or CEF that are near spot. I don't know the answer to that..............
camtender wrote:Also, PSLV is now over 32% premium, here is Harvey Organs take for what it is worth.
physical metal is starting to distance itself from paper.The bankers are loathe to attack the Sprott funds.
They are still shorting Central fund of Canada. Eric is still on the prowl looking for his silver.
68Camaro wrote:Premiums are one thing. But PSLV is now trading at 2x its historical premium - a never before seen value. "The street" is pricing silver at $38/oz via PSLV, and it still rising (marketedly so today), while comex spot is stagnant at $29.
One theory being discussed - the only one that makes sense with the limited info I have, is that while oz, and hundreds of oz, even thousands of oz, of silver can be had at near comex spot - via that trickle-down distribution mechanism - if you want hundreds of thousands, or millions of ozs, and you want to be able to put your hands on it, see it, depend on it, know that it truly exists, then there are only a couple of sources of that. Otherwise the comex trading market is becoming perceived as bogus, paper, fiat silver. PSLV is one of those very few sources of real, dependable physical silver in large quantity. CEF has silver, but the problem with it is that it is 50% gold as well, and, if I'm not mistaken, can't be taken delivery of as physical (I haven't read the CEF rules in awhile).
theo wrote:You've said several times that the COMEX system "seems to work well." A lot of systems work well. . . .until they don't. Bernie Madoff's investment scam worked well for over twenty years. His clients' investments grew and whenever they want to withdrawal a small amount of money, they could. But when the demands for withdrawal became too great everything collapsed. I don't claim to know anything, but I'm suspicious that the current COMEX system only works so long as most investors accept cash (and not metal) upon settlement. Why am I concerned? Because the COMEX appears is regulated and/or influenced by the government and our banking system, both of whom stand to benefit from suppressed commodity prices. THAT is a conflict of interest.
pmbug wrote:The last time we saw futures backwardation and rising lease rates in silver was February 2011 - right before silver began it's run from ~$29/ozt to $49/ozt.
That was also the time that Sprott started buying silver for PSLV. The current rise in the premium to ~30% may signal that Sprott is going to start buying again according to the shelf filing for PSLV that was made recently (a month or so ago).
68Camaro wrote:a) To re-state Theo's comment in my words. Ponzi schemes work brilliantly for those that aren't the last out. Clearly money can be made in them, by some, for a time. They are real, for awhile. They always work well, until they stop working. You don't want to be the last one looking for a chair when the music stops.
b) There is a misconception that some of us have misconceptions. No, I think mostly just a difference of opinion. I'm fine with that.
c) (to pmbug) Actually Sprott had already finished buying his first batch of silver well several months before the Feb 2011 run-up. Though perhaps the shortage of physical from that led to the run-up? Dunno. Not sure how one would find out.
Jonflyfish wrote:Today's forward COMEX Month & Settle. No 30% backwardation seen and no forward curve backwardation to speak of at all just mild contango-
JAN 12 28.749
FEB 12 28.764
MAR 12 28.782
MAY 12 28.824
JLY 12 28.857
SEP 12 28.878
DEC 12 28.907
68Camaro wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:Today's forward COMEX Month & Settle. No 30% backwardation seen and no forward curve backwardation to speak of at all just mild contango-
JAN 12 28.749
FEB 12 28.764
MAR 12 28.782
MAY 12 28.824
JLY 12 28.857
SEP 12 28.878
DEC 12 28.907
Looks "normal" or maybe "typical" is a better term, I agree.
But for some reason there is nearly $150M in extra value able to support PSLVs 22M toz at an equivalent value of >$38/toz. There may be other explanations, but I'm at a loss to explain it any other way. Premiums, sure. There has always been a premium in its short life ranging from 6-16%. I was suprised some months ago when it momentarily hit the low 20%s before it dropped back. Today it closed at 34% and climbing. That's off the chart.
Jonflyfish wrote:I would like to help. Since they claim silver is trading at a 30% premium, I would be happy to offer physical generic rounds and bars at only 20% premium + shipping (>= 500 ounces = free shipping). Please contact me for your orders.
68Camaro wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:I would like to help. Since they claim silver is trading at a 30% premium, I would be happy to offer physical generic rounds and bars at only 20% premium + shipping (>= 500 ounces = free shipping). Please contact me for your orders.
If you can supply 50,000,000 oz at that price, Mr. Sprott may take you up on that. I think you can google his email address... Believe it's
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