Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

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Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Redneck » Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:26 am


Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today's problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul's positions today.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZU0c8DA ... r_embedded

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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:11 am

Wow. :shock: Terrific speeches. He was spot on with his predictions except for one thing... they could not stop Progressive-ism in his lifetime. Can we stop it in ours? The tipping point is before us right now.

Not to steal the thread, this is a side note: It's sad most Americans do not know what a great WW2 hero John Birch was, or how he was martyred by the very people he risked his life to save.
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Bluegill » Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:17 am

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:they could not stop Progressive-ism in his lifetime. Can we stop it in ours? The tipping point is before us right now.

Sadly, the tipping point happened over a century ago. We're a little late. The Progressive movement showed up at the turn of the last century. They hijacked the Democratic party first, them hijacked the Republican party soon after. Teddy Roosevelt was a "Progressive". Hillery Clinton stated she was proud to be a early 20th century "Progressive".

The Duncecrats and Retardicans have been nothing but 2 factions within the Progressive party for over a 100 years now. D's R's, red, blue, yada yada yada...
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:00 pm

Bluegill wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:they could not stop Progressive-ism in his lifetime. Can we stop it in ours? The tipping point is before us right now.

Sadly, the tipping point happened over a century ago. We're a little late. The Progressive movement showed up at the turn of the last century. They hijacked the Democratic party first, them hijacked the Republican party soon after. Teddy Roosevelt was a "Progressive". Hillery Clinton stated she was proud to be a early 20th century "Progressive".

The Duncecrats and Retardicans have been nothing but 2 factions within the Progressive party for over a 100 years now. D's R's, red, blue, yada yada yada...

This is the most important vote since 1860. Consider the Supreme Court, alone. That is just part of the tipping point I write about.

Four SCOTUS justices are over the age of 70 now. Some will retire in the next four years. Most, or all, of those four will retire in the next eight years.

Currently, the balance between "conservative" and "liberal" is dead even with one tie breaker in the middle. If Obama gets another four years to choose Supreme Court Justices, you can kiss you individual rights to own firearms goodbye.

District of Columbia v. Heller was decided by a 5 to 4 margin. All it will take is for one vote to change and Heller can be overturned.

Obama has already nullified Habeas Corpus. He can now hold you without a criminal charge, hearing, or trail for life.
You have already lost most of your right of no warrantless searches.
The list goes on and on. The Supreme Court appointments are for life. If Obama wins the legal landscape will be changed for the worst for a generation. This time, it's all or nothing.
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Bluegill » Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:55 am

The erosion of our rights and liberties started way before Obama got elected. Anybody still remember the Bush II (R) years, the Clinton (D) years??? Bush I (R), Mr. "New World Order" himself... These erosions will continue no matter who is elected. The Progressive party runs the show, and their agenda will be implemented, and it will get done with either red or blue puppets, it doesn't matter to them.

Has any of the prior unconstitutional legislation been repealed, or even drafted and brought to a vote, by either party? In spite of campaign promises to do so, from both parties...

A lot can happen in a year, but the way it currently stands Romney will most likely be the Republican candidate. He will most likey lose to Obama. Even if he does win, you can rest assured NOTHING will change for the better. I said it in 2008, and I say it again in 2012. No matter who gets elected, nothing will change. More of the same old same old. D's, R's, whatever...

Romney is a more spiffed up looking presentation, but under it all, he he no different than Gingrich. Two slimey peas in a pod.

Obama care is based on Massachuset's Romney Care. Romney is a gun control advocate. Romney flip flops on issues like a seasoned experienced Democrat.

SCOTUS is nothing but a group of senile cronies paying back political favors. They haven't made a sound Constitutional judgement in decades. And how many were appointed by a red R..? The Heller decision was half ass, piece meal and full of legal loop holes. Intentionally flawed...
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:32 pm

Bluegill wrote:The erosion of our rights and liberties started way before Obama got elected. Anybody still remember the Bush II (R) years, the Clinton (D) years??? Bush I (R), Mr. "New World Order" himself... These erosions will continue no matter who is elected. The Progressive party runs the show, and their agenda will be implemented, and it will get done with either red or blue puppets, it doesn't matter to them.

Has any of the prior unconstitutional legislation been repealed, or even drafted and brought to a vote, by either party? In spite of campaign promises to do so, from both parties...

A lot can happen in a year, but the way it currently stands Romney will most likely be the Republican candidate. He will most likey lose to Obama. Even if he does win, you can rest assured NOTHING will change for the better. I said it in 2008, and I say it again in 2012. No matter who gets elected, nothing will change. More of the same old same old. D's, R's, whatever...

Romney is a more spiffed up looking presentation, but under it all, he he no different than Gingrich. Two slimey peas in a pod.

Obama care is based on Massachuset's Romney Care. Romney is a gun control advocate. Romney flip flops on issues like a seasoned experienced Democrat.

SCOTUS is nothing but a group of senile cronies paying back political favors. They haven't made a sound Constitutional judgement in decades. And how many were appointed by a red R..? The Heller decision was half ass, piece meal and full of legal loop holes. Intentionally flawed...

Jeez, I am tired of this. I tried to stay on the OP thread.

Okay, Bluegill, give up! Don't fight back. You are emotionally invested in the system going to hell. If you are wrong and our side wins a few, it doesn't meet your self-desired prophesy. Don't vote for people who are trying to fight the good fight. (of course, according to you there are none.) Sit on your ass, do nothing, and curse the coming darkness. Better yet, lay down and spread 'em wide! That makes it easier for the "Progressives" to ream you out good! Then, after they are done with your do-nothing a$$, you can roll over and say "See, I told you so."

F_ck this bullsh@t.
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Bluegill » Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:18 pm

Who said anything about giving up? I want my Secular Constitutional Republic with Representatives back more than anybody. I never desired the Oligarchic Socialist Democracy with Leaders that we currently have. Continuing to support the status quo D’s, and R’s is illogical. Therefore I don’t. I can see the trends, and as long as people think that more of the same will fix our problems, well, the system already went to hell.

I do vote for people trying to fight the good fight. Newsflash, they ain’t establishment approved D’s and R’s... You and I both listed a lot of problems this country has. I merely stated the historical obvious; you apparently did not like what you read and lashed out.

That makes it easier for the "Progressives" to ream you out good! Then, after they are done with your do-nothing a$$, you can roll over and say "See, I told you so."

Sounds like deep down you know what our destiny is if we continue doing the same old same old and that upsets you, and it rightfully should. It upsets me. Yet you support the status quo, thinking somehow this time it will be different. I don’t.

I wasn’t trying to start an argument. I was stating history and pointing out long patterns of behaviour to get people to think objectively.

I have no desire to argue. We can just agree to disagree...
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Hawkeye » Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:41 pm

Not to get off topic, but John Birch was an incredible American. He is an American hero in my household. And that video was great. Scary, but great.
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:12 am

Hawkeye wrote:Not to get off topic, but John Birch was an incredible American. He is an American hero in my household. And that video was great. Scary, but great.

That is the topic.
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:23 am

Bluegill wrote:Who said anything about giving up? I want my Secular Constitutional Republic with Representatives back more than anybody. I never desired the Oligarchic Socialist Democracy with Leaders that we currently have. Continuing to support the status quo D’s, and R’s is illogical. Therefore I don’t. I can see the trends, and as long as people think that more of the same will fix our problems, well, the system already went to hell.

I do vote for people trying to fight the good fight. Newsflash, they ain’t establishment approved D’s and R’s... You and I both listed a lot of problems this country has. I merely stated the historical obvious; you apparently did not like what you read and lashed out.

That makes it easier for the "Progressives" to ream you out good! Then, after they are done with your do-nothing a$$, you can roll over and say "See, I told you so."

Sounds like deep down you know what our destiny is if we continue doing the same old same old and that upsets you, and it rightfully should. It upsets me. Yet you support the status quo, thinking somehow this time it will be different. I don’t.

I wasn’t trying to start an argument. I was stating history and pointing out long patterns of behaviour to get people to think objectively.

I have no desire to argue. We can just agree to disagree...

I don't think you have read very many of my comments here at Realcent. That ain't no big deal. I am for Ron Paul. I am a TEA Party activist. I was very active in trying to have only natural born Citizens as POTUS (part of that great Constitutional Republic you mentioned).

I tell Christians Jesus is not on the ballot this year. I will tell you this is not the time for being a purist. We have got to get Obama and his followers out of office any way we can. I don't want Romney as prez. Worst Repub we can put into the Oval Office. BUT Romney is better than Obama. Not by much, but better than Obama, none the less. If R's control the Senate and House and the Prez..... We have a greater chance of restoring our Republic than if D's control everything. If the D's remain in power, we got no chance at all.

An even worse case scenario is Obama stepping out and Hillary getting elected for eight years. You can really kiss the Republic goodbye if that happens.
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Re: Whatever Else, Call Him "Correct"...

Postby Rosco » Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:41 pm

I think that Romney is better an he will have a a debt to the Mormon church to correct a lot of Small Business Ill's. He Worked with a Democratic house to accomplish things for residents of Mass. Which means he can work with the Opposition to Govern, an that helps me look forward to Supporting him for president, if that is who we choose for our Candidate.
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