I'm definitely no expert, but I have bought some buffs here and there on ebay, so here is my two cents. I would pull out the rarer dates and sell them individually. The full dates you could go rolls or, if you want to try something smaller, you could put together 10-12 years in a row and sell them as "starter collections." I've seen that done a few times with a little higher premium than just lots of random full dates. Partial dates are tricky. As for the dateless ones, they have no value - sell them all to me for $.05/each.
Just kidding, but for some reason I do buy a roll or two of dateless buffs every now and then and might be interested in a few of them myself if you put them up for sale here. For partial dates and dateless, I would compare shipping costs of varying amounts to try to maximize profits. People will always pay a premium for full dates, so that is where I would try to make money on the lot.
Nice score, and good luck selling them!