I've only done a little bit of penny sorting, did about $100 worth last winter. For some reason yesterday I got the itch to do some more so I went and picked up a $25 box. I only sorted a handful of rolls so far, but had pretty good results! Almost all of them had wheat pennies in them, one of them even had two. Also found a 1944 canadian cent. Overall I think I was getting about 30% copper. Is it normal to find so many wheat pennies? I wish I would have started keeping track of exactly how many I got last night, but it seemed higher than usual.
Oh as a side question, is it worth it at all to hang on to the 2009 series? I like them and I figured since they only came out one year that I would hold on to them. Its a shame there aren't made out of better metal because they really go downhill fast.