Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby coinwolf » Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:08 pm

Beau next time you get that email from this person how about email it to me! ;)
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby avidbrandy » Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:34 pm ... n-in-hand/

People were expecting QE3 to be announced and it didn't happen. I don't think Ben said No. He just didn't say anything.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby PennysaverCP » Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:35 pm

Not surprising at all. Silver is up approx 25% ytd even after today. Just a normal pullback based on todays news and some end of the month profit taking. Nothing goes straight up.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:45 pm

Beau wrote:.
I got a private email from someone that I don`t know last Thursday telling me not to buy anything.
He said there would be a big pullback, so how did he know.
he said that silver would have days like this for a while the price
will be $31. to $35. bouncing around like a ball, then it will go back up,
to $40. or $50. and start all over.

I have not heard from him today, so if it is anyone on this site email me and let me know who you are, you sure saved me a bunch of money.




Hmmm. OK. But there hasn't been any "big pullback" relative to Thursday. Price as of this moment is just cents away from where it was Thursday, and also Monday's low. When you look at multi-day charts the crush today just snipped the very latest rise off, and we are now where we were a week ago.

Was this a "normal" response? I don't see normal responses like this in any other market, but you all do your own homework and draw your own conclusions.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby avidbrandy » Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:49 pm

68Camaro wrote:Was this a "normal" response? I don't see normal responses like this in any other market, but you all do your own homework and draw your own conclusions.

:P Well said.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby Beau » Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:05 pm

coinwolf wrote:Beau next time you get that email from this person how about email it to me! ;)

OK that was the first one I have got like that.
I don`t know how he got my Email address, I have given it to very few on this site, and never posted it for the public.
maybe he will see my post and email me again.
next one up goes to you, by PM ?


my old feedback



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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby madman326 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:15 pm

can anyone please tell me what language beauanderos is speaking?
thanks, madman.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby Engineer » Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:26 pm

madman326 wrote:can anyone please tell me what language beauanderos is speaking?
thanks, madman.

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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby madman326 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:38 pm

thanks engineer!
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby Chief » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:01 pm

PennysaverCP wrote:Not surprising at all. Silver is up approx 25% ytd even after today. Just a normal pullback based on todays news and some end of the month profit taking. Nothing goes straight up.

I appreciate the optimism of this post! :) Up 25% in 2 months is significant. This Spring/Summer we could be another 25% higher than where we are now.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby beauanderos » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:32 pm

Chief wrote:
PennysaverCP wrote:Not surprising at all. Silver is up approx 25% ytd even after today. Just a normal pullback based on todays news and some end of the month profit taking. Nothing goes straight up.

I appreciate the optimism of this post! :) Up 25% in 2 months is significant. This Spring/Summer we could be another 25% higher than where we are now.

two months? $43.75? Easily :mrgreen:
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby BamaJoe » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:36 pm

Just keep stacking folks. In the long term pm's are just going up.

I can remember the days when a drop from $6.50 to $6 would set off a panic for some and they would declare the end of pm's.
If you are waiting for the "correction" to buy you need to realize that the increasing prices ARE the correction.

$100 Silver soon coming to a location near you.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby Oakair » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:30 am

Im pissed...ZSL was on my wednesday buy at 36.50 silver spot price (if only I had money to have actually bought!!!!!!!!)
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby beauanderos » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:05 pm

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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby mbailey1234 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:36 pm

225 million ounces in 30 minutes? That might even put a dent in Ray's stack. :D

What I don't understand about that is unless they were already long before they dumped (whoever sold the 225 million oz's), wouldn't this cause the open interest to go way up? If so they would have to exit eventually or provide delivery.

I'm not familiar with these numbers on COMEX but will do some research this weekend if I get some time. If they are worried about someone staying in on the long side and demanding delivery, how does pushing the price down a few bucks "make" them have to exit? If they were going to take delivery anyway they obviously had the cash to buy out the contract??? If I was taking delivery and the market went down, I lost some equity in my paper trade but was able to buy the physical cheaper. Therefore, same end result.

I'm sure I'm missing some major points somewhere but I am very intrigued by this.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby Engineer » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:56 pm

mbailey1234 wrote:I'm sure I'm missing some major points somewhere but I am very intrigued by this.

Consider the people betting with 2X or 3X positions on margin. If they put up their $10K to buy $100K worth of 3X long, and then the boys short it down even 3.33%, they're broke and hopefully they managed to sell out at that point. If they had to ride down the whole 10%, they'd be facing a margin call for $20K. least that's how I think it works. :?
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:38 pm

Most COMEX traders in PMs treat it - frankly - as a gambling bet (higher, or lower, and when), with no intention of ever getting delivery.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby beauanderos » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:30 pm

What I'd like to know is where do the big users of industrial silver source their silver from? Certainly they wouldn't be satisfied with cash settlement. And where did Sprott's silver come from? You know damned well SLV isn't holding nearly enough, as there are days when the inventory would have to surge by tens of millions of ounces, yet Sprott requires 3 months to source a fraction of that.
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Re: Silver down over $2.00! Wow!

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:30 am

beauanderos wrote:What I'd like to know is where do the big users of industrial silver source their silver from? Certainly they wouldn't be satisfied with cash settlement. And where did Sprott's silver come from? You know damned well SLV isn't holding nearly enough, as there are days when the inventory would have to surge by tens of millions of ounces, yet Sprott requires 3 months to source a fraction of that.

Not sure about Sprott's latest buy, but there was a suggestion that he got at least some of it directly from some miner stockpiles, as a few of them are starting to hold back silver in bar form when they don't literally need the cash.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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