... or-buy-PMS
I recently inherited some money, just enough to pay off my house or buy gold instead
or split it down the best choice?
My two zincs:
I'm in my second year of a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at 4.625 APR. My payments are a fixed amount for the duration of the mortgage. I'm paying the minimum each month and buying PMs while they're still cheap. I'm not looking to sell my house at all--ever. I'm not looking to flip it for a profit and then buy another house. I'm staying right where I am. I'm not trusting the U.S. government to start acting fiscally responsible at this point in the game, so naturally I think that paper "assets" will soon revert to their intrinsic value and PMs will skyrocket as the dollar dies. Even if the dollar somehow hangs on for several more years, I've still got the same amount of PMs no matter how much the purchasing power of the dollar drops. If the dollar crashes, I can sell a fraction of my PMs to pay off my house and still have plenty of PMs left. If the dollar somehow (by suspension of reality) rebounds and regains the faith of economies around the world (I can hear Russia and China snickering), I still have the same amount of PMs. I think we're short on time to buy PMs while the supply is still relatively good and the prices are relatively low. History teaches us that all fiat currencies eventually die, and the U.S. dollar will be no different. I'd rather be wrong about the dollar and still have a stash of PMs than be right in my expectations but not having any PMs to show for what I expected to happen. I'm putting my money on history and buying as much in PMs as I can. I don't think it's possible at this point in the U.S. for that to be a losing course of action. The $100 trillion note from Zimbabwe that's on my office wall further confirms that for me.
What do you guys think?