SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby marblerye » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:18 pm

Yeah, good job guys. Keep that Ag in strong hands...
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby DebtFreeMe » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:34 pm

Since it's $20 off, you hit the sweet spot with 6 1oz bars because they would be 208 normally... I got mine for 188 shipped... If you buy more your price per ounce goes up because it stays $20 off no matter what.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby barrytrot » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:36 pm

DebtFreeMe wrote:Since it's $20 off, you hit the sweet spot with 6 1oz bars because they would be 208 normally... I got mine for 188 shipped... If you buy more your price per ounce goes up because it stays $20 off no matter what.

True, but you get more ounces. :)
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby lewbo » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:31 pm

a little late to the party, but still in at $32.16 a touch under spot.
Selling US pennies 1.9 face shipped. Never mind I am keeping everything!
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Ireland_925 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:34 am

I live about an hour away from ST, it's in Winchester, IN. In my experience with them, they usually have a larger than "normal" premium on their silver stuff. I've never bought from them, but they are a very fair purchaser of silver, as they are silver refiner. But I am curious, if these guys are selling at a 20% discount (which ends up being a little below spot after the premiums and are wiped away), why is that? Does ST have a big suprlus of silver they need to get rid of or do they see the price going way lower, or is there other factors involved in this deal? These deals may be bearish, that is all I am saying. These guys have been around a long time, they know the market, and they are active silver guys, not just dealers but refiners. This will be interesting for me anyway. But, congrats to those that got some silver below spot... great scores for you.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby dannan14 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:21 am

Ireland_925 wrote:I live about an hour away from ST, it's in Winchester, IN. In my experience with them, they usually have a larger than "normal" premium on their silver stuff. I've never bought from them, but they are a very fair purchaser of silver, as they are silver refiner. But I am curious, if these guys are selling at a 20% discount (which ends up being a little below spot after the premiums and are wiped away), why is that? Does ST have a big suprlus of silver they need to get rid of or do they see the price going way lower, or is there other factors involved in this deal? These deals may be bearish, that is all I am saying. These guys have been around a long time, they know the market, and they are active silver guys, not just dealers but refiners. This will be interesting for me anyway. But, congrats to those that got some silver below spot... great scores for you.

Really? They're in Winchester? My dorm roommate my freshman year of college was from there. He made it sound like there were a few grain silos and that was it. It even seems that way on the map since you have to zoom so far in to see it. i suppose a lot can change in 20 years, but that was an amusing surprise. Thanks!
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:22 am

What's in it for them? For a nominal cost they just signed up a bunch of true silver buyers to set up accounts with them and get on their mailing lists! Grocery stores spend more money than that on loss leaders to get people into their stores. It's a great marketing move on their part. I was marginally impressed with how clean their web ordering interface was (I see so many bad ones). So I would at least go back to look another time, as a result.

Ireland_925 wrote:I live about an hour away from ST, it's in Winchester, IN. In my experience with them, they usually have a larger than "normal" premium on their silver stuff. I've never bought from them, but they are a very fair purchaser of silver, as they are silver refiner. But I am curious, if these guys are selling at a 20% discount (which ends up being a little below spot after the premiums and are wiped away), why is that? Does ST have a big suprlus of silver they need to get rid of or do they see the price going way lower, or is there other factors involved in this deal? These deals may be bearish, that is all I am saying. These guys have been around a long time, they know the market, and they are active silver guys, not just dealers but refiners. This will be interesting for me anyway. But, congrats to those that got some silver below spot... great scores for you.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Bonitacar » Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:28 am

Sounds good to me, I'm in for 7 bars. Thanks for the tip!
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:34 am

Bonitacar wrote:Sounds good to me, I'm in for 7 bars. Thanks for the tip!

Hey, he joins AND he posts! Get on over to the new member intro section! ;)

(I dragged him into this place...)
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Diggin4copper » Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:28 am

I was impressed with the fact that they did not charge extra for credit card orders..... Ill shop with them again if the delivery end is satisfactory...
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby dakota1955 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:05 am

diggin4copper said it all if delivery is satisfactory that he will buy again. all who got some silver will buy again if the deal works out. they get more people to buy from them in the long term.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Penniesarefun » Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:30 am

I would probably buy again without a discount. They were selling junk silver at 24x face, and that included free shipping ($20 off made it 22x). If I buy at Provident, the price for the metal is slightly lower, but they charge shipping that makes the price even (and I have to pay Texas sales tax if it is less than $1000). Good source for small purchases of junk silver, if it is decent stuff. It would not shock me for these to be a little worse than most since well-worn coins get sold to the refiner first.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby dakota1955 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:48 pm

I'm within 10 cents of spot right now for what I spent. Not bad for one day.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby 97guns » Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:41 pm

i got my recept emailed to me today and it states that its been shipped but under carrier it says "bestway" does this mean they used bestway for shipping or does this mean the best/cheapest way for them?
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby fasteddy » Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:44 pm

97guns wrote:cheapest
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby dannan14 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:06 pm

97guns wrote:i got my recept emailed to me today and it states that its been shipped but under carrier it says "bestway" does this mean they used bestway for shipping or does this mean the best/cheapest way for them?

Huh, my receipt doesn't say anything about shipping other than it is free. The "My Account" link on their website still says "Not Yet Shipped" as well. i hope i don't have to wait forever to get this order.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby dakota1955 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:55 pm

Mine also states not yet shipped but with the numbers of orders I think they got it may be a couple of days.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Country » Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:26 pm

I got a receipt yesterday with the $20 discount. Today I received an PDF invoice showing that I had a $20 balance to pay. I wrote them. Did anyone else receive an invoice today for the purchase yesterday?
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby natsb88 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:37 pm

Country wrote:I got a receipt yesterday with the $20 discount. Today I received an PDF invoice showing that I had a $20 balance to pay. I wrote them. Did anyone else receive an invoice today for the purchase yesterday?

My invoice shows a $20 balance too, but it also shows "PAID" and "shipped," so I guess we'll see...
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Country » Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:43 pm

natsb88 wrote:
Country wrote:I got a receipt yesterday with the $20 discount. Today I received an PDF invoice showing that I had a $20 balance to pay. I wrote them. Did anyone else receive an invoice today for the purchase yesterday?

My invoice shows a $20 balance too, but it also shows "PAID" and "shipped," so I guess we'll see...

That's the way mine is too. Shipped, paid, but an invoice balance of $20... :?:
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Rodebaugh » Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:44 pm

Ditto on silly invoice
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby dannan14 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:29 pm

i haven't received a PDF invoice, just an html email receipt.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby Ireland_925 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:01 am

dannan14 - Yep, it's in Winchester, been there and it's very nice. And, yes, it sticks out like a sore thumb in an average IN farm town, looks like an old "courthouse-type" building. Your buddy (back then) probably knew it as the big old weird coinstore that didn't fit in and probably didn't seem like a talking point to him. Ask him about it now, I'll bet he knows better.
68Camaro - I think you've got a great point. After looking through their website, I think they are really pushing to beef-up their internet sales. Their site has changed a lot since the last time I looked at it (I used to only look for their assay/refiner prices). I'm not always in the marketing frame of mind, I always have that objective science frame of mind. It was just very weird for me to see buyers on the net saying ST is the best deal around. Didn't sound right at first. But, I think they're pushing for an internet market and I think that's great

Anyway, if it were me, I wouldn't worry too much. These guys are very trustworthy and have been around a long time. Although, they don't make a good impression offering a great online deal and then screwing up their billing. They'll get it right.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby dannan14 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:49 am

Ireland_925 wrote:dannan14 - Yep, it's in Winchester, been there and it's very nice. And, yes, it sticks out like a sore thumb in an average IN farm town, looks like an old "courthouse-type" building. Your buddy (back then) probably knew it as the big old weird coinstore that didn't fit in and probably didn't seem like a talking point to him. Ask him about it now, I'll bet he knows better.

He was a unique guy, but you're probably right, he would have thought of it as something weird and not as a proper discussion topic. He wasn't pretentious, but very "proper" in that small town Indiana way. i haven't talked to the guy in 20 years, we got along fine as freshman roommates, but there is a reason we didn't room together after that hehe. As an 18 year old freshman at Ball State i was overwhelmed by the culture shock of being dumped into small town Indiana. In my first few days there i met literally hundreds of kids to whom Muncie was the biggest town they had ever been in. It was the farthest many of them had ever been from home (often less than 50 miles). And a whole lot of them didn't see their first black person in person rather than on TV until they got there. It certainly was an eye opener, although at that age i learned less from it than i could have. Nowadays i prefer the small towns...someday i'll find my way back to one.
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Re: SilverTowne Sale - 24 Hrs only

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:17 am

Well now I'm concerned because I didn't get a screwed up bill. Makes me wonder if I'm the one with a screwed up order. :lol:
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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