United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Program

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United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Program

Postby henrysmedford » Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:53 pm

Time to get the $1.00 coin out!!!

From the mint--
WASHINGTON - Today, the United States Mint announced four new numismatic product options for Presidential $1 Coins. The four new options make the coins available to the public at affordable prices in varying quantities.

The new $1 coin products and current prices are as follows:

* Presidential $1 Four-Coin Set -- $9.95
* $1 Coin 100-Coin Bag -- $111.95
* $1 Coin 250-Coin Box -- $275.95
* $1 Coin 500-Coin Box -- $550.95

The Presidential $1 Four-Coin Set contains one each of the coins to be released in 2012. Each of the other products contains unmixed Presidential $1 Coins of each design. Additional information about each of these new products will be released as they become available for sale.

The packaging for these existing numismatic products will not change. For more information on the availability of $1 coins from the United States Mint, please visit http://www.usmint.gov or call 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). A charge of $4.95 is added to all domestic orders to cover shipping and handling costs. (The $1 Coin 500-Coin Box carries an additional charge of $7.95 because of its weight.)
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Re: United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Prog

Postby JadeDragon » Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:49 pm

Before they were selling these for a $1 with free shipping. No one wanted them. Solution - raise the price and tack on shipping fees. This lesson on economics brought to you by the US Mint, a monopoly that sells it's most popular products for less than the cost of raw materials every day.
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Re: United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Prog

Postby Tourney64 » Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:01 am

Mr Harkin, who is from a farming state (Iowa), should know that a dollar bill is made primarily from a crop (Cotton), not cutting down trees.
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Re: United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Prog

Postby henrysmedford » Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:37 am

Tourney64 wrote:Mr Harkin, who is from a farming state (Iowa), should know that a dollar bill is made primarily from a crop (Cotton), not cutting down trees.

And the funny part he should know that the coin blanks for the dollar coins come from PMX a Poongsan Corporation affiliate who is South Korean Company . The dollar notes come from Crane Currency Based in Sweden. Then some of that money is loaded into Loomis Trucks and they a based in Sweden to. God Bless the USA. We outsource are money too.
Last edited by henrysmedford on Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Prog

Postby daviscfad » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:25 am

JadeDragon wrote:Before they were selling these for a $1 with free shipping. No one wanted them. Solution - raise the price and tack on shipping fees. This lesson on economics brought to you by the US Mint, a monopoly that sells it's most popular products for less than the cost of raw materials every day.

not only that but the more you buy the higher the price. You can get 100 for 111. 11 bucks more. 250 for 275 25 bucks more. and 500 for 550 50 bucks more. but they got it priced that if you buy 5 of the 100 you pay more than buying 500 at 550. same thing with the 250
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Re: United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Prog

Postby PolishPunisher » Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:46 pm

Harkin isn't wrong. The dollar bill is made of paper, just not wood-based paper.
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Re: United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Prog

Postby AGgressive Metal » Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:13 am

PolishPunisher wrote:Harkin isn't wrong. The dollar bill is made of paper, just not wood-based paper.

Let the Thomistic ontological arguments over the essence, form, and nature of "paper" begin! :lol:
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Re: United States Mint Announces New $1 Coin Numismatic Prog

Postby PolishPunisher » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:37 am

AGgressive Metal wrote:
PolishPunisher wrote:Harkin isn't wrong. The dollar bill is made of paper, just not wood-based paper.

Let the Thomistic ontological arguments over the essence, form, and nature of "paper" begin! :lol:
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