My2Cents wrote:I'm a pretty logical person most days, and like most people who stack silver or any other PMs, I sometimes wonder if I'm really buying these at the lowest price in the forseeable future.
PMs by nature, are inflationary hedges. But according to a book I just read... "The great crash ahead" by Harry Dent, he's of the opinion that WHEN the market crashes in the next year or so, that EVERYTHING (including PMs) will correct with it... and we'll endure a long period of Deflation (not Inflation as everyone suspects).
I could go into more detail here, but the main point is that the economy has to purge itself of all the excess bad debt along with all of the 'stimulus' that was put into place, and the only way to do that is to go through the pain of what he refers to as the 'detox' of easy credit and low interest rates. All this stimulus is keeping the markets propped up on weak legs, and the crash is inevitable.
I tend to agree.
That said, and looking at the recent past... when the markets do crash, the price of gold and silver do head south with the major indexes... and I'm not taking the Dollar Index into any of this.
So while we hoard and save gold, silver, and platinum group elements under the assumption that 'the market is going to crash one day',... Wouldn't it be wise to just save your FRNs and buy PMs when you think the market finally bottoms?
silverflake wrote:Fellow realcenters, how short our memories are. In 2008 when our economy 'crashed', PMs nosedived even further than the broad equity markets (and a subject for another thread - we kind of had a separation of paper prices and physical...). Everybody ran to the good ol' dollar. But when everyone came to their senses, the PMs were the first asset class to start correcting and came back faster and higher than other equity markets. I say there will be a repeat.
Hold your physical, set your stops on your paper (ETFs, etc).
And keep stacking!
beauanderos wrote:silverflake wrote:Fellow realcenters, how short our memories are. In 2008 when our economy 'crashed', PMs nosedived even further than the broad equity markets (and a subject for another thread - we kind of had a separation of paper prices and physical...). Everybody ran to the good ol' dollar. But when everyone came to their senses, the PMs were the first asset class to start correcting and came back faster and higher than other equity markets. I say there will be a repeat.
Hold your physical, set your stops on your paper (ETFs, etc).
And keep stacking!
So there is no guarantee that you could source cheap silver without a huge premium, if and when your bottom occurs. As well, it's impossible to predict what TPTB will do to push the price around, when or how much. The 2008 precious metals plunge was engineered, if you do enough research on the subject there is irrefutable proof that the bullion bank cartel orchestrated that "crash" as well as countless others.
68Camaro wrote:But we are (I think - hope) 1-3 years away from that. I hope it is longer, or never happens. I don't want to see this happen, but I have to plan for it.
theo wrote:Although future crashes are certainly possible, a sustained deflationary recession is not; at least not with a central bank that can print money at will. We have nearly 16 trillion in debt on which we have pay about 450 billion in interest per year. About 6 trillion in debt will roll over (or mature) in the next five years. Add to that increasing medicare and social security costs in the coming years, and you have a goverenment that WILL default if the money supply is not continually expanded. Deflation, which requires a decrease in the money supply, is out of the question.
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