If the silver price falls...then

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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If the silver price falls...then

Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:55 am

I get the feeling people here are nervous and uncomfortable about the price of silver dropping. If you feel this way have a question I'd like to ask you to think about.

What do you think has changed to cause any big dip other than pure price manipulation?

Do you really think the dollar is stable?

Do you really believe that economy has rebounded? Do you see this where you live?

Is there job growth? Do you know people who are unemployed or under employed?

Have prices on everyday items like food and fuel stabilized and not going up?

When you put money in the bank to save are the banks paying you a fair interest rate so you can beat the inflation rate or do you feel like you're going backwards?

Do you think the stock market is a safe place to put money?

While I know the following will sound illogical to most; I don't care what the daily price of silver or gold is at the moment and I don't worry about the dips either. I might buy more on the dips but I'm not concerned about precious metals prices dropping.

Regardless if you think precious metals are the "be all" or "end all" investment. I think most would agree that having a little sure does make a person feel a little more secure.
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Re: If the silver price falls...then

Postby Copper Member » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:23 am

I agree, it's always nice to see someone share the same opinion.
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Re: If the silver price falls...then

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:45 am

That is seven questions, but, ok. :)

What do you think has changed to cause any big dip other than pure price manipulation? There hasn't been a big dip, yet. Gold and silver are still trading at values that are at (in absolute terms) at year over year all-time highs. (Excepting the Hunt Bros blip of 30 years ago.) What is keeping the market going further is paper manipulation, which will have to end when either fear increases further to increase the number of people converting into PMs, or physical residual stockpiles dwindle to zero.

Do you really think the dollar is stable? Relative to what? It is inflating at an increasing rate, due to exponentially increasing money-printing which is only just starting to hit consumer prices (being pent-up in bank reserves for a number of years).

Do you really believe that economy has rebounded? Do you see this where you live? There was a mild (and grossly insufficient) rebound which has already started to reverse, and things are already starting to worsen again even as the stats of previous quarters are coming out showing the former mild rebound.

Is there job growth? Do you know people who are unemployed or under employed? Absolutely not. The "unemployment rate" is a gamed statistic, and is even the wrong thing to track. What should be tracked is the employment rate, which is at a post-WW2 all-time low.

Have prices on everyday items like food and fuel stabilized and not going up? Really? No.

When you put money in the bank to save are the banks paying you a fair interest rate so you can beat the inflation rate or do you feel like you're going backwards? Really? The net savings rate is demonstrably negative - this isn't a "feeling", it's a fact.

Do you think the stock market is a safe place to put money? No.
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