free mercury dime

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free mercury dime

Postby lance » Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:02 pm

So my fiance has 2 sons and ive got them into coins a little bit....not as interested as myself but her youngest has a thing for canadian pennies and her oldest likes anything cool and rare...anyways her oldest is a hustler like me...always trying to make a today he was walking around the neighborhood with the lawn mower asking if anyone wanted their lawn mowed...he found a client real quick and mowed her lawn for $ i guess when he was done he asked her..."by chance do you have any old coins?" Lol...kinda a random question...she ended up saying yes that her father gave her some "indian heads" a long time ago...but she would have to look for he ended up going back and she could only find one coin...she gave it to him...he came home and showed me and i was pretty impressed...his first silver coin and basically got it for free...i guess she might have more but needs to try and find them
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Re: free mercury dime

Postby bman » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:25 pm

free silver is even better than at face value 8-)
my old Realcent feedback thread:
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Re: free mercury dime

Postby twentybux » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:34 pm

bman wrote:free silver is even better than at face value 8-)

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Re: free mercury dime

Postby everything » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:05 am

Good story, I used to do that kind of work when I was a kid, the repeat business can be good. I'd usually try to always have some kind of work lined up, still can't believe I had a paper route for a couple of years or so.
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Re: free mercury dime

Postby Numis Pam » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:44 am

Smart kiddo! Keep encouraging him and the younger one!
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