How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby SilverDragon72 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:43 pm

theo wrote:I hope I never find out what BOHICA means ;) Anyway I basically agree with your other points. However, I also believe that if the current resident of the White House falls behind too far in the polls this Summer, something will happen to shake things up. It could be rioting and other attempts to disrupt commerce by OWS and its allies; or perhaps a declared war with Iran. Either of these events (or a few others that I won't mention here) could be the straw that breaks the camel's (or the dollar's) back. Otherwise, as 68Camaro says, things could easily putt along until 2015.

A war with Iran?? Yeah...that's just what we need in addition to the 2 wars we are fighting. How about we just declare war on everyone and get it over with? :lol:
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby SilverDragon72 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:46 pm

My2Cents wrote:Yeah... you can keep your religious comments to yourself. They don't really have any place on the metals board.... maybe in the "Religion" section... but I can't seem to find that either.

I gotta agree with the religious comments thing. I have no problem with anyone believing in a religion or worshipping whoever they want, but yes, I agree that this topic should be on another board.

Besides, would God or Allah...or whoever need our pennies?? :lol:
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby Treetop » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:18 pm

I wondered how this thread had so many replies until i saw religion was brought up... For my part, no ones views offend me unless they are evil or try to force them onto myself. neils were neither. Also wasnt the first time Ive seen similar posts from him or other members.

I will say that if I had expressed my beliefs in the same way, I have experienced much less acceptance by those who disagree then most of those who disagree with neil expressed. (not here as I havent done so here to much but many other places)

All that said, back to the OP... Seems im thinking along very similar lines myself. I was always heading to be a homesteader anyway, but Im much more diligent about getting everything running smooth ASAP, and the ability to function off grid if the grid is to expensive for me, or fails for some reason. Food grid included. I am also working at being able to feed my immediate neighbors up here in the mountains if need be as well.

I look at things like OWS protestors and really wonder how people with such mindsets will react as we are unable to fund the welfare state. we all know this game cant last forever even if we have a soft landing somehow. It just isnt mathematically possible. So how will people that expect more relate to it? i know a few of these folks on other forums, most of them have their hearts in the right place, they do, but its still an unstable place for a society to be. Class warfare? race baiting? a government no longer accountable to its citizens that is more concerned about perpetuating itself then ensuring a decent template for its citizens to "paint" their lives...

I dont focus on the doom myself, lots of good still in the world and in people, but I think things are likely to be rough. I hope all of us with good hearts can bypass any labels or worldviews to stand together should times ever be rough. Be a light for our families and neighbors no matter the distinctions we sometimes put between ourselves.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby My2Cents » Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:36 pm

This is going to be my last post on this thread... only because it's strayed too far from the topic that was originally discussed. And rather than quote all the various members and their comments, I'll just address the certain ones that I thought were mis-guided in my view.

I'm not trying to censor anything. Everyone has their own right to believe what they want... but when the topic strays WAYYY to the sidelines about starts preaching about the Almighty, quoting scripture and the fear of God... You might as well be speaking Chinese as far as I'm concerned.... and I fail to understand how any of this has anything to do with the original topic. There's a time and a place to quote scripture, praise God/Allah/Buddah or whatever iconic symbol or religious figurehead... but is it necessary to do that on under a topic talking about how long the economic house of cards is going to stay up? I say NO.

And yes... while I'm a new member HERE... I've been on a few other website forums where the moderators actually deleted comments that strayed too far from topic... such as this one did (and still has). The religion topic needs to be put in the "Religion" section... to which I'm still adamantly committed to. If you can't find that topic heading on this website... guess what... you don't post that stuff here.
Because what relevance does that have to do with Gold/Silver Bullion?

And while I'm at it... I've not only fought for everyone's right to free speech just like Neil... I'm still doing it to this day as a contractor. Back during the first Gulf War... I was floating around the Gulf on a ship full of Tomahawk missles watching the skyline lit up at night of all the buring oil wells. So I fully understand what sacrifice means when you don't see your family for 6 months at a time. So I won't apologize for my beliefs, just as I don't expect you to apologize for yours. Just keep the topics right where they need to be.

I'm sure that Neil, 68Camaro, and everyone here has valuable information to input here.... and I look forward to constructive dialog with them.... and all I ask is that your preferred religion be kept to yourself. I have enough to deal with when the door-knockers come preach their stuff to me face to face. Like I said before... if I wanted to be preached to, I'd go to church on Sunday.

And I'm in total agreeance with Engineer...
"The thing is...respect and tolerance has to go both ways. Displaying extreme attitudes on either side is just asking for a fight, and I come to forums like this one to get away from fights and flaming over religion or politics.

The original post was great, and doesn't deserve to be detracted by schoolyard bickering.

So while you may not agree with my stance or MY beliefs, which would be an Atheist, we can respect each other's beliefs systems and just keep it out of what we all come here to talk about... Stacking bullion.

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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby everything » Tue May 01, 2012 1:14 am

Religion is a battle, right now it's the two big ones, muslim or christian, neither can win, nobody will in the end, lol, nobody ever does, poor man, because he really lives in a finite world, just like all other living creatures on this beautiful planet we all share. Mankind evolved, harnessed the earth's metals, and is now mired in the steam age, a great time, but still dependent more on technology and especially natural resources than ever before, and we are not even responsible with it, look at the nuclear accidents, becoming common, and accepted, like war, violence, deforestation, everything bad, accepted. But, with all the zombie apocalypse kind of crap I see on TV these days, it makes me wonder just when things would eventually really start to unwind. Apparently, people like the idea.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby misteroman » Tue May 01, 2012 1:21 am

I hadnt posted on here in a month or two and just sorted of browsed on a work computer every once in awhile but had to log in (even forgot my info) to make a comment.
Stay true to your beliefs no matter what others feel. You didnt cross the line or even go far enough to warrant any of the backlash you are receiving. You just stated your beliefs as how you feel they are affecting our world. If people feel the need to disagree, then so be it.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby 68Camaro » Tue May 01, 2012 5:46 am

My2Cents - thanks for what appears to me to be a change in tone. That is the tone we need here.

My goal - hopefully I succeed at this - is to not personally criticize anyone for their world view, here. In another forum (not this one) I would be willing to discuss. But - we agree on this - critical comment on anyone's views is not for this place. If I say anything at all it would only be to contrast it with another view in a contextual way.

If you and Engineer re-read my posts above you won't find any disrepectful words about either of your views or those of others (regardless of type). What I am intolerant of is intolerance; I reserve that right and it is not in conflict with my world view.

Where we may have to agree to disagree is how we treat presentation of these views here at RC. While we can agree this isn't a forum for religious debate, for the third? (I think - I've lost track) time, I strongly believe that one's world view impacts how others interact with them, and so (if they so choose) it needs to be able to be included in discussions. If so, it does need to be relevant and contextual. (As Neil's was.) At the same time, the readers need to be respectful of those views in their replies.

Regardless of an individual view, whether secular humanist, or Hindu, or whatever, that view impacts how they prep for the future, or how they invest, or how they buy PMs - and (if they care to share) I want to know how that has affected them. I don't want to debate it. I just want to know. If that view is one I wholly disagree with, I may choose to respectfully note that and why, but then I will leave that thread for those others that want to discuss it, and move to others. I would like others to be able to do the same.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby IdahoCopper » Tue May 01, 2012 6:17 am

Neil's post is in a "language" he is fluent in, understands well, and speaks beautifully. The bible has a collection of parables that describe things and situations in a way that is not to be taken exactly as the words state, but is to be seen and understood in a profound way with more meaning than mere simple words can convey. In many ways, Neil's post includes quasi-parables that intend much more meaning than the face-value of the mere words.

My2Cents world view is much more pragmatic, his "language" is direct and his words' meanings are exactly representative of his thoughts.

Coexist with less intolerance, seems to be the best advice that can be given and accepted. Everyone can learn from everyone by just trying to truly understand the "language" that is used to convey thoughts.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby neilgin1 » Tue May 01, 2012 7:18 am

i never meant to start a squabble. i was just musing about the rubric of the world, and one night, i wake up sometimes at zero dark hundred, one night, i was pondering 'things' thru a different 'lense'.

and as i said in that 2nd post, i NEVER argue "religion", as i find "religion" postively hellish. Nor do i "preach". thats not me. i was just UP that night, and something was gripping me, so i wrote what was on my heart, thats all.

and of course, if i my writing is offensive to some, i humbly ask forgiveness, but you will not censor me. You can CENSURE me, but you will not silence me. The moderators can X me out, but they know i mean no offense, nor have any desire to turn a metals forum into a hellbroth of bickering and diviseness. i just was writing from my heart, and what i was writing as I LENSE IT OUT, everything to do with stacking.

i was pondering the "timeline"....AND in a roundabout way, maybe asking; WHY do you stack?...why do we stack?


i stack coz i want to insure currency and insure SOME degree of security, i'm referring to that other metal, we dont talk about much, which is wise.

But i'd be a fool to TRUST in those "stacks"....then to me, they become 'idols'.

If the storm i see coming, comes, and it will, there are three million ways you can die. Something as tiny as a microbe, you're gone. i got a 100 year old cider press, bought some ole boy for $75, it was a good deal. Lets say i grind a bunch of apples, get some cider, and i clean her out, but maybe i miss a spot, and the next time, that cider's got salmonella, or some meat, i got, has e. a grid down situation, i'm dead.

but here's the Thing, and it has NOTHING to do with "religion", i consider myself "dead" already, and shipmates, that is a feeling of such liberation, i cant even describe.

Let me put it in Navy terms, that feeling of liberation, allows me to conduct regular flight operations during "pitching decks", and thats where this whole world is headed..."pitching decks".....for all you non Navy types, here's a neat clip from the outstanding series, "Carrier"....look for a Sqn CO, CDR Dave "Sex" Fravor, CO of VFA-41 "The Black Aces".....that Naval officer is a true leader, my kinda guy, he's the first guy to speak, ya'll will enjoy these: ... ure=relmfu

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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby Engineer » Wed May 02, 2012 4:24 am

68Camaro wrote:(I'll note that Engineer hasn't made a declaration either - only that he doesn't want world-views discussed.)

I never said that. The problem I have with religious (and political) discussions in forums like these are the polarized black versus white flame wars, whereas most people's opinions are some shade of gray. I simply resent the distraction caused by bullying on either end of the spectrum, and would respectfully request that if people want to engage in flame wars, it would be considerate to take them somewhere else. I appreciate the shades of gray if people can discuss them civilly.

68Camaro wrote:If you and Engineer re-read my posts above you won't find any disrepectful words about either of your views or those of others (regardless of type). What I am intolerant of is intolerance; I reserve that right and it is not in conflict with my world view.

I have not made my views known either way, and believe you are reading too much into them. For me, freedom of religion means the freedom to remain silent on my beliefs, but I'll go so far as to say that I dislike religion (if for no other reason than its polarizing effects). That's not the same as not being just means I don't like religion and you can take that however you'd like.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby neilgin1 » Wed May 02, 2012 8:24 am

alright, let me go back to the premise of the OP, how long can the duct tape, bailing wire and chewing gum hold this thing together?

whats the timeline?

and as i sit here, i have to confess, i don't know, and maybe we are NEVER meant to know.

to me, thats the whole 'adventure' of it....not knowing.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby silverflake » Wed May 02, 2012 7:44 pm

neilgin1, you ask how long the duct tape will hold, well when Moodys (or was it S&P?) comes out this week and "upgrades" Greek debt to ccc, you know they broke into one last roll of duct tape.

Just use the time we have as accumulation potential.

Keep stacking bro.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby neilgin1 » Wed May 02, 2012 8:08 pm

silverflake wrote:neilgin1, you ask how long the duct tape will hold, well when Moodys (or was it S&P?) comes out this week and "upgrades" Greek debt to ccc, you know they broke into one last roll of duct tape.

Just use the time we have as accumulation potential.

Keep stacking bro.

roger that...
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby hags » Thu May 03, 2012 11:31 am

neilgin1 wrote:i been pondering this now for about 8 months, how long can tptb hold this thing together with duct tape and bailing wire?

As long as they control the most powerful military in the world....that's how long they can hold it together....I thought you're son helped you realize that revelation already?

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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby neilgin1 » Sat May 05, 2012 8:01 am

hags wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:i been pondering this now for about 8 months, how long can tptb hold this thing together with duct tape and bailing wire?

As long as they control the most powerful military in the world....that's how long they can hold it together....I thought you're son helped you realize that revelation already?


Hags, i been brewing on what you wrote for a few days now. You're right, my boy and i did discuss're right.

"timelines" on large paradigm shifts, take "large" time frames. When everybody "looks", "expects" for something to happen, it usually doesnt. The 'body politic' of America expects ruin tommorow...therefore.......maybe one more hyperspike for America in the teens.

thanks for reminding me, 'from the mouths of babes', neil
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby 68Camaro » Sat May 05, 2012 9:27 am

Maybe. But not "everyone" is looking. If one only associates with people of like minds pretty soon the thought is that is "normal" - it is a danger to a balanced view. If you're not catching any of the MSM - which I don't follow, but I watch of few minutes of it every week or two to see how things are being presented/sold - the bulk of the people are clueless of any specific issue; those that feel troubled at all aren't certain why, except many do hear TPTB and MSM telling them it's the nasty capitalists, republicans, rich (these days, just about anyone that pays taxes), those that "have", which are holding them back.

Not that hags is wrong. He makes an important point. But the bulk of our military could be mothballed in less than 2 years, if that was the will. And that's the direction we're headed. At that point we become powerless, and nature abhors a vacuum.

We will not have good years ahead - the only question is how steep the slope and deep and broad the bottom.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby ZenOps » Sat May 05, 2012 10:03 pm

I'm not too happy about the 450 million .40 hollow point rounds that US Homeland Security and Immigration ordered up (on a five year contract) Hollow points being used to rend flesh, and are not really used for hardened (metal) military targets like tanks, etc..

Its no wonder copper is at the price it is nowadays.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby deacon » Sat May 05, 2012 10:50 pm

That's a bit of a skewed view. It is very common to structure government contracts with several year options (5 being the maximum without too much oversight). You see the government funds things out in 5 year increments (called the FYDP) commonly refereed to as "the out years". The problem is that large contracts take ~6 months at minimum to award. And when you try to award these contracts you have to have a source selection team. SO now you are talking 5-6 people (min) over 6 months with the hope that no one protests. Of course you will get the biggest/longest contract possible.

That doesn't mean you have to buy it all, you just have the option to.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby agmoose » Sun May 06, 2012 7:36 am

68Camaro and I view the inclusion of beliefs in the same way, if they are pertinent to the OPs topic/thoughts on topic, etc., then he/she should be able to include them. Thoee that don't agree or like it don't have to keep reading or post.

As for the duct tape. I used to think it would unravel pre-2014, but now believe we are looking farther down the road. TPTB seem to have enough bubble gum to keep the duct tape sticky. Even when we add fewer jobs that people to the population in a month, the MSM and POTUS hail success. While the markets were down Friday, they'll bounce right back on Monday. 99% of the sheeple in the US have no idea what is occurring in Europe, or with OWS, or what Executive Orders are signed into law, etc. They just focus on who got kicked off of American Idol (oh the tragedy!), how the Lakers are doing, or the Yankees, or whoever. They may or may not take a look at their 401K and may or may not give a damn where its invested, as long as they aren't losing money (right now). Then there is the 1/2 of the population paying no taxes, or collecting something free from the gov't....they just want to make sure that the evil GOP doesn't take that away like Barry says they will. So basically, the fortunes of us all lie in the hands of uneducated, ignorant, bloodsuckers who will turn out and vote cause the bus from their church will take them to the polls, preach lies the whole way there, and provide a free lunch too. Just like in 2008.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Sun May 06, 2012 10:14 am

It's very refreshing to see how many people on this forum are awake. Lots of critical thinkers too. This gives me hope.

So many people seem to get their panties in a bunch over religion. Here's my take:
Religion is just another divide and conquer instrument TPTB use to keep us at each others throats. The same applies to race, sex and class warfare. While everyone fights over semantics, the TPTB are free to go about their dirty deeds. Main stream media is programming people with propaganda.

If you're still plugged into the matrix, please turn off that damn tv. Stop Facebooking, tweeting and watching sports. Free your mind. Please note that once you completely unplug yourself, you can never go back to your former zombie-like trance. That is the small price you pay for waking up, but it's well worth it. Unfortunately, there are many people who are so reliant on the system they can never be unplugged... they will be the first ones to perish when the SHTF.

TPTB have kicked the can down the road much further than I ever thought they could. In late Sept 2008 we were right on the precipice of a complete financial collapse... it's amazing how TPTB were able to avoid it. What most people don't realize is that things are MUCH worse now. The Titantic has already struck the iceberg and TPTB are simply rearranging the deck chairs.

This next event is going to make 1929 look like a leisurely stroll through the park. I sincerely hope you guys are ready.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby silverflake » Sun May 06, 2012 5:38 pm

As long as the sheeple remain oblivious to reality, the duct tape known as money printing will hold. It's like crack cocaine. The addiction blinds them to whats real.

By the way folks, I am not falling into the religion discussion. But I will say this:
Don't confuse 'religion' with faith. If I didn't have my church, I would still have Christ. I'm done.

Look, just keep stacking, OK?
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby agmoose » Sun May 06, 2012 7:45 pm


By the way folks, I am not falling into the religion discussion. But I will say this:
Don't confuse 'religion' with faith. If I didn't have my church, I would still have Christ. I'm done.


BINGO! We have a winner!
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby Jonflyfish » Mon May 07, 2012 10:23 am

"How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?"
Longer than most people will remain solvent believing otherwise.
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby OneBiteAtATime » Mon May 07, 2012 1:19 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:"How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?"
Longer than most people will remain solvent believing otherwise.

So, I ask myself, "Self, what if you are just paranoid?"

I answer, "Self, this doesn't feel like paranoia, this feels like wise preparation. Self, every time fiat currency has been tried it has unravelled. Self, Europe is unwinding and they're voting for more of what has caused the unwind. Is that wise? Are we tied to Europe? Self, what if there are those within our own country who believe that we need to be taken down? What if they quietly have infiltrated the entire federal mechanism, yes, all the way to the top! What if they are actively peeling away at the layers of liberty that have made this country what it is? Is this paranoia?"

"Self." I say. "You cannot really believe that. You go to work every day, make good money. Your belly is full. Your children play video games and ride scooters in the streets of your mid-american city. You see little violence or crime in general, little poverty, your life is extremely normal for an American. I think you are hopelessly paranoid."

"But its right there, right in front of us. A budget that can only be sustained by money print... ehem excuse me, quantative easing, capitalists who use their relationships with politicians to make billions, corruption like a third world dictatorship. Allies who have decided that rather than belt-tightening, running the credit cards to the max is the best solution. People in our own country who believe the same thing. Dang it, Self, all these currencies are tied together. None of them backed by ANYTHING!"

"It's official, Self, you're crazy."

"I suppose it's possible. Maybe I am crazy. Paranoid. But so long as I'm setting aside something of value - even something that may one day be worth a quarter of its value today - aren't I doing more than the vast majority? I mean 43% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement. Americans!" I sit and stare at mySelf for a while and let that sink in. "Self, I could be wrong. But I'm going to be prepared even if I am wrong. This currency will spin apart some day, perhaps generations from now. If I prepare and train mine well enough - they will come out of it on the other side stronger. I hope I am wrong, Self. I love this country. I don't want to see her torn apart. But I don't want to wake up in the middle of it. I will prepare now for what I hope never to see."
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Re: How long do you all think the duct tape will hold?

Postby NDFarmer » Mon May 07, 2012 1:35 pm

OneBiteAtATime wrote:
I love this country. I don't want to see her torn apart. But I don't want to wake up in the middle of it. I will prepare now for what I hope never to see."

Your last couple of sentences really say alot.
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