Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Mon May 14, 2012 11:37 pm

I'm more interested in what JPMorgan/Chase does to the silver market to regain those losses. Every decent move in the silver market seems to be directly related in a way to their activities! Their paper silver activities!

I have a chase account....I LOVE my branch!!! They sell me their change bags!!!!!
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Mon May 14, 2012 11:37 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:Silly propaganda youtube videos cannot change the facts of US history. JP Morgan stepped up and bailed out the US when nobody else could or would. In doing so he stabilized the markets. He has also bailed out NYC before, the greatest city on earth.


YOU are the propaganda.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Jonflyfish » Mon May 14, 2012 11:38 pm

I think some are confused with pre and post 1907 banking operations. Plastering homemade youtube joe blow videos left and right to prove anything to the contrary is futile.

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Mon May 14, 2012 11:39 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:I think some are confused with pre and post 1907 banking operations. Plastering homemade youtube joe blow videos left and right to prove anything to the contrary is futile.


There is no confusion

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby barrytrot » Mon May 14, 2012 11:40 pm

What if the video was from 1907?
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Jonflyfish » Mon May 14, 2012 11:44 pm

Plastering youtube videos about the Federal Reserve has nothing to do with the points made. Nobody needs regurgitated BS about what the Federal Reserve is or how anyone feels about the bailouts a few years ago. It's all well understood and known by all.

However, 105 years ago BEFORE the FOMC ever met on behalf of the Federal Reserve, there were liquidity crisies in the markets. During one of the most historic liquidity events, one man stepped up in 1907 and saved the US economy with his own wealth. It's all in the history books. No need for youtube slant propaganda. Econ history is well documented about the panic of 1907 and how it ended.

I'm done making any point here. History books are clear. Youtube propaganda and anti capitalism is also clear. The choice is yours. I won't stoop to the level of some here. Such pathetic childish rubbish. They'll take you down to that level and beat you with experience. Not for me. Capital markets await during these busy trading sessions.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Tue May 15, 2012 12:00 am

Jonflyfish wrote:Plastering youtube videos about the Federal Reserve has nothing to do with the points made. Nobody needs regurgitated BS about what the Federal Reserve is or how anyone feels about the bailouts a few years ago. It's all well understood and known by all.

However, 105 years ago BEFORE the FOMC ever met on behalf of the Federal Reserve, there were liquidity crisies in the markets. During one of the most historic liquidity events, one man stepped up in 1907 and saved the US economy with his own wealth. It's all in the history books. No need for youtube slant propaganda. Econ history is well documented about the panic of 1907 and how it ended.

I've gotten PMs from other members of this forum who feel the same way I do about your misinfo, bragging, BS and outright lies. You're a total bullshitter, you're egomanical and sociopathic. I refuse to communicate with you any further. Go pound sand you bankster shill.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Jonflyfish » Tue May 15, 2012 12:09 am

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:
Jonflyfish wrote:Plastering youtube videos about the Federal Reserve has nothing to do with the points made. Nobody needs regurgitated BS about what the Federal Reserve is or how anyone feels about the bailouts a few years ago. It's all well understood and known by all.

However, 105 years ago BEFORE the FOMC ever met on behalf of the Federal Reserve, there were liquidity crisies in the markets. During one of the most historic liquidity events, one man stepped up in 1907 and saved the US economy with his own wealth. It's all in the history books. No need for youtube slant propaganda. Econ history is well documented about the panic of 1907 and how it ended.

I've gotten PMs from other members of this forum who feel the same way I do about your misinfo, bragging, BS and outright lies. You're a total bullshitter, you're egomanical and sociopathic. I refuse to communicate with you any further. Go pound sand you bankster shill.

You know, I can live with the fact that you are a hate monger. That's fine. I have not lied in any way here and you have provided no evidence save a homemade youtube video without fact, only opinion. The history books provide facts. That has been my basis and I'll stick to it thanks. Several members tell me to ignore your trolling. I should listen. One should know and understand another by their body of work. Over the years, I have offered various market analysis and trading ideas as well as facts of us econ history as is the case in this link.
You have offered hatred, venomous spewing, false acusations, troll mongering and character bashing.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby SilverEye » Tue May 15, 2012 1:00 am

The root of the problem is that the Fed backstopped the potential losses. The tragedy is that there ended up being no losses. The way it's going to play out is that TARP ended up making money. Yes, it turned a profit. Terrible! Here why:

As anyone who has ever known someone with a substance abuse problem knows that they don't pull themselves out until they hit rock bottom. They max out every credit card, burn every friendship, steal everything that's not nailed down, all to fuel their habit. Then, once there is not a penny to be turned into smack, they come crawling back crying about how they need your help. They make magnanimous promises about their newfound dedication to God, promise to make it through rehab, and this time for real!

Only this time they won the lottery before they made it out of rehab, with no real changes, no actual improvement in their character, before they even got all the drugs out of their system. They pay back their friends, their dealers, pay off the credit cards, gifts all around for being such a pal and sticking with them.

There was no penalty! No pain! No jail sentences for taking the world's economy to the brink of disaster. Nobody went out of business. (Some individual firms went defunct, but the industry has not changed, and all the players are still playing. Just the account number on the paycheck changed.)

Worst possible outcome.

I'm a strict free-market-ist. That means good corporate behavior rewarded, bad corporate behavior punished; with money. So, it worked. It all worked. Everybody ended up making money. That means it was good behavior. (No it wasn't, but judging it by the money made, it was good.) So the logical thing, for bankers chasing the dollars, is to push it even harder next time. Maybe then it will blow up. Maybe not. But keep pushing it. When it does implode, it takes down everybody.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby cesariojpn » Tue May 15, 2012 4:15 am

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Be careful though... the day is coming when someone will be labeled a terrorist for this type of activity. You could be detained for quite a while.

Just don't use the words "Robbery," "Stick-Up," "Thief," or other criminal terminology and you'll be fine. :lol:
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby NHsorter » Tue May 15, 2012 7:34 am

Thogey wrote:These banks should be free to risk and screw up. As long as I don't have to help restore thier loss.

Amen to that.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Verbane » Tue May 15, 2012 8:00 am

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:YOU are the propaganda.

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:There is no confusion


Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:I've gotten PMs from other members of this forum who feel the same way I do about your misinfo, bragging, BS and outright lies. You're a total bullshitter, you're egomanical and sociopathic. I refuse to communicate with you any further. Go pound sand you bankster shill.

Way to win that argument, you convinced me.... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby rexmerdinus » Tue May 15, 2012 8:02 am

Why does it matter in this thread what Mister J.P. Morgan did or did not do to save or destroy the You Ess of Ay? Here we are a century later throwing him into a discussion that started because of comments made at a branch of a bank that merely bears his name. Butterfly effect aside, he had nothing to do with the two billion dollar loss that started this conversation, nor the current silver price manipulation, nor the price of tea in China! It's like blaming George Washington for the Iraq war!
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Thogey » Tue May 15, 2012 8:41 am

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:
Thogey wrote:Cu Penny Hoarder,

JFF is on the right forum.

Please, for the ignorant among us.

Could you please define "banksters" and how they stole money.

Okay, I'll bite. I hope you guys have some time on your hands.

Here is a cute cartoon for those with ignorant, child-like brains...

The entire financial/banking system is a scam. It's started with the inception of a US central bank in the 1800's. In 1913 the Federal Reserve and the IRS were created. That basically put the nail in the coffin for us.

Here is another one. Bill Still does a very excellent with this documentary...

I was asking an honest question. I read the term banksters and assumed it was a pejorative but didn't know what it meant.

I'm always and interested in opinions how "banksters" "steal" money or enslave people.

You seemed like a smart guy who might actually write an opinion, not just throw up youtube links. Youtube is not necessarily reality you know.

Was this insult directed at me?
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby mauk13r » Tue May 15, 2012 9:02 am

Try this:
Pronunciation: /ˈbaNGkstər/noun
a member of the banking industry seen as profiteering or dishonest:

nothing ever seems to happen to any of the banksters who caused all the problems in the first placeOrigin:
late 19th century (as nonderogatory nickname): blend of banker1 and gangster
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby moparal7 » Tue May 15, 2012 9:10 am

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Rodebaugh » Tue May 15, 2012 9:33 am

Mr JP Morgan, a hero to the people. Go ahead and say that one outload to yourself. Taste that? ....It's Bull$hit. :lol:

The man profited from that action and kept the market consistent, which was also in his interests. Nothing wrong with taking good business actions for ones self but that does not constitute Hero status.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby beauanderos » Tue May 15, 2012 9:41 am

I can't site references at the moment (I'm at work), but I've done a fair bit of reading, and the consensus appears to be that J.P.Morgan caused the Panic of 1907 by selling massively, while shorting to capitalize on the plunge, then buying back equities en masse following capitulation. He was the Titan of Finance at that time, a master of tactical ploys, and likely had sufficient clout to influence historical accounts - during that period - so that his actions were deemed altruistic and heroic. If he did bail out the banking system with subsequent "largesse" it was made possible in part by the immense profits he made by manipulating the stock market in the first place. That anyone now would still glamorize him, after the illumination of "history in hindsight" has made his role more unsavory, I find incredible.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Rodebaugh » Tue May 15, 2012 9:55 am

beauanderos wrote:I can't site references at the moment (I'm at work), but I've done a fair bit of reading, and the consensus appears to be that J.P.Morgan caused the Panic of 1907 by selling massively, while shorting to capitalize on the plunge, then buying back equities en masse following capitulation. He was the Titan of Finance at that time, a master of tactical ploys, and likely had sufficient clout to influence historical accounts - during that period - so that his actions were deemed altruistic and heroic. If he did bail out the banking system with subsequent "largesse" it was made possible in part by the immense profits he made by manipulating the stock market in the first place. That anyone now would still glamorize him, after the illumination of "history in hindsight" has made his role more unsavory, I find incredible.

Sounds like you tasted the same thing I did.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby blackrabbit » Tue May 15, 2012 10:08 am

You know, I can live with the fact that you are a hate monger. That's fine. I have not lied in any way here and you have provided no evidence save a homemade youtube video without fact, only opinion. The history books provide facts. That has been my basis and I'll stick to it thanks. Several members tell me to ignore your trolling. I should listen. One should know and understand another by their body of work. Over the years, I have offered various market analysis and trading ideas as well as facts of us econ history as is the case in this link.
You have offered hatred, venomous spewing, false acusations, troll mongering and character bashing.
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I don't know how just saying something is in history books makes it true and helps you win a debate. What books? What facts? Links to videos explaining things are better references than saying your references are in some unmentioned books. At least "A Creature from Jekyll Island was mentioned. Also many things in the history books are bull and many books contradict each other. That said personal attacks like calling people trolls or hatemongers is unbecoming. I like everybody's opinion and appreciate Jonfly's nuanced understanding of the markets and hope you continue to post. I do learn form your posts, although thinking old man Morgan is a hero does leave a pretty nasty taste in my mouth. :P We should be able to have spirited debate amongst friends without attacking. Peace! 8-)
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby moparal7 » Tue May 15, 2012 11:14 am

The panic of 1907 was sparked when JP. Morgan considered a financial luminary at the time, posted rumors in the New York times the several bank were insolvent or bankrupt this caused massive withdrawals causing the banks to actually go bankrupt as they weren't before. As a result Mr. Morgan was able to buy up entire bank chains at a discount price, and also provided an excuse to implement a central bank, (the federal reserve) promising financial stability and the a panic of like the one of 1907 would never happen again
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Jonflyfish » Tue May 15, 2012 12:05 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:Mr JP Morgan, a hero to the people. Go ahead and say that one outload to yourself. Taste that? ....It's Bull$hit. :lol:

The man profited from that action and kept the market consistent, which was also in his interests. Nothing wrong with taking good business actions for ones self but that does not constitute Hero status.

Like you said, the man took risk, just like anyone else in a free market. What made him a hero is that the President of the United States asked him to take that risk in order to stabilize the markets since there was nothing else or anyone else that could or would. The markets were stabilized. The risk had a payoff. JP Morgan He saved the panic of 1907.
He was as hated as anyone, yet everyone wanted to know what he was investing in so they latch on like parasites and hopefully gain some for themselves.

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Jonflyfish » Tue May 15, 2012 12:07 pm

moparal7 wrote:The panic of 1907 was sparked when JP. Morgan considered a financial luminary at the time, posted rumors in the New York times the several bank were insolvent or bankrupt this caused massive withdrawals causing the banks to actually go bankrupt as they weren't before. As a result Mr. Morgan was able to buy up entire bank chains at a discount price, and also provided an excuse to implement a central bank, (the federal reserve) promising financial stability and the a panic of like the one of 1907 would never happen again

He was that credible. When JP Morgan spoke people listened. He was giving fair warning about the insolvency. It's not his fault the bank was insolvent and the liquidity was already dried out. Imagine if you took the same action to warn your fellow man about a bank today. Would anyone care?

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Jonflyfish » Tue May 15, 2012 12:18 pm

blackrabbit wrote:
You know, I can live with the fact that you are a hate monger. That's fine. I have not lied in any way here and you have provided no evidence save a homemade youtube video without fact, only opinion. The history books provide facts. That has been my basis and I'll stick to it thanks. Several members tell me to ignore your trolling. I should listen. One should know and understand another by their body of work. Over the years, I have offered various market analysis and trading ideas as well as facts of us econ history as is the case in this link.
You have offered hatred, venomous spewing, false acusations, troll mongering and character bashing.
The eagles know who they just as the vultures know who they are. Birds of a feather flock together.
So, we'll leave it at that.
Have a nice day

I don't know how just saying something is in history books makes it true and helps you win a debate. What books? What facts? Links to videos explaining things are better references than saying your references are in some unmentioned books. At least "A Creature from Jekyll Island was mentioned. Also many things in the history books are bull and many books contradict each other. That said personal attacks like calling people trolls or hatemongers is unbecoming. I like everybody's opinion and appreciate Jonfly's nuanced understanding of the markets and hope you continue to post. I do learn form your posts, although thinking old man Morgan is a hero does leave a pretty nasty taste in my mouth. :P We should be able to have spirited debate amongst friends without attacking. Peace! 8-)

My apologies. I'm not here to win any argument or to be your econ 101 history professor. A creature from Jekyll Island is the Fed Reserve, no? Am I talking about the nonexistent Fed Reserve of 1907? I don't think so. It did not exist. Hate monger and troll is used for a certain individual who repeatedly curses, yells, makes disparaging remarks about others. Hhe/she/it has done so to several members here whenever the panties are in a wad as if that makes for any civil discourse.

Most people hated JP Morgan before he saved the financial system in 1907 and after, even though his efforts saved the wealth of millions. Most losers have a bad taste in their mouth when they see their own greedy efforts lose out to the gain of someone else, or jealousy when they see someone else do something that they are incompetent in doing.
Being popular is part of a democracy. Unfortunately, the markets are more like a Republic. The masses lose out to benefit of individuals who acted opposite of the sheeple.

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Copper Member » Tue May 15, 2012 12:34 pm

He was that credible. When JP Morgan spoke people listened. He was giving fair warning about the insolvency. It's not his fault the bank was insolvent and the liquidity was already dried out. Imagine if you took the same action to warn your fellow man about a bank today. Would anyone care?


I thought that that was EF Hutton??
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