Gold and Silver have always been used as the primary means of storing wealth but copper hasn't which is why it doesn't matter what form Gold and Silver is found. Copper has never in the history of the world ever been used as a means of storing wealth in the way Gold and Silver has been. Copper is used for creating things such as copper pipe, copper wire, industrial hardware, and even coins. Copper is no more useful for storing wealth than any other material which could be used such as aluminum. People don't buy copper to store wealth, they buy it to use it. The only people interested in buying it to store wealth are the kind of people on these forums who are speculating that copper will skyrocket in price and they'll be able to sell it at a large profit. Copper has no more connection Gold and Silver as a store of wealth than zinc, manganese, led, or any other metal they could use to make coins. With talk of eliminating the cent altogether, why aren't you hoarding zinc? Gold & Silver has a special place in the world as a means of storing wealth and you are seriously mistaken if you think copper will act the same way. Copper never has been and never will be even close to as rare as other precious metals and as the price of copper rises so will the price of everything else (ie. Gold & Silver).
I'm not suggesting you don't hoard them because you will be able to at least double your money if not more by selling them as scrap or refining them if you have extremely large amounts (at least 20 tons), but don't count on selling them to investors wanting to protect their wealth it just won't happen.