Finders Keepers

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Finders Keepers

Postby beauanderos » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:08 pm

Ever see one of those "half a twenty dollar bill" that you pick up only to find it has advertising on the back? I've been fooled more than once by one of those. So today, leaving the local Winco, I walk to my car... which I had parked a fair distance from the entrance so as to get a bit of exercise. No other cars near me. Nobody walking by in any direction. Laying on the ground, in my path, I spot a couple of little piles of "folded bills." "Yeah, right," I'm thinking... "I'm not falling for that old gag again." But I bend over to get a closer look anyway. Two of them have red printing on them. They're fifty dollar bills! And some twenties! Feeling almost guilty, I snag them before the breeze can give them wings. I scan the surrounding area for any more, but nothing. I sit in my car for five minutes waiting for anyone to come running over frantically searching for them, or someone to drive over and get out of their car, looking at the ground... but no one comes by. It's a hundred degrees over here today, so my "do the right thing" instinct quickly wilts. I get home and examine my find... it totals $160 :mrgreen:

I may go back tomorrow and ask at the customer service desk if anyone inquired about lost money turned in. They may need it more than I do.

Happy 4th of July everyone.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby Robarons » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:11 pm

Interesting story

They way their folded it seems they fell out of a car because normal people wouldnt carry bills in folded bits. Businesses wouldnt either

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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby lance » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:17 pm

Im soooo glad you found my money! Make ya a deal...send me half and you can keep the rest
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby scyther » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:27 pm

Mmm very nice. I remember one time when I was ten I found exactly $5 in quarters on the ground. And 2 other times I found a $5 bill. Needless to say your find obliterates mine... congratulations.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby deacon » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:52 pm

My best find ever was $25 at a beach. $160 is a huge find.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:54 pm

I have a sound policy about money on the ground (picnic table, grass, sidewalk, basically- "in the wild"). If it's with other items that can prove who it belongs to, like a wallet, purse, bible, clothing, then okay, it must belong to that person.

If it's just laying there all by itself, I then check and see if it is one of the many bits of money I have marked over the years: If it's got "IN GOD WE TRUST" on it.. . it's mine! :mrgreen:

Congrats on the lucky find Beauanderos!
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby JobIII » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:26 pm

I think it would be a good move to at least attempt to see if anyone was looking for lost cash. It's a nice little windfall, but the karma points you'll get for returning the lost money will bring you loads of good finds in the future.

Nice story and find!!! Personally I'm surprised you held out at all in a car in 100 degree heat. I would have immediately bailed and gone back the next day to see if there were any people asking.

Just another thought if no one claims it you have a good start on food / booze funds :)
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby fansubs_ca » Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:57 am

My best find was $17, I was doing outdoor clean up at a restraunt I worked at and
I figured I was making OK time so I'd check the back side of the snow pile in the
corner of the lot for litter so there would be less to deal with when it finished melting.

Well I spot what looks like a $2 bill, pick it up, it turns out to be a $2 bill, $5 bill, and
a $10 all folded together.

Somewhere during the (long) winter someone must have dropped it somehwere on
the (very large) parking lot and it got piled into the snowpile in the corner by the

There was anonther time downtown I picked up a $5 bill and $10 bill folded together,
looked around, didn't see anyone looking like they were looking for it. For most of
the next week I was wondering if I accidentally intercepted a drug drop or something.
(It _was_ downtown. ^_-)

The reason I wondered about a drug drop is I once walked past a guy on a cell
phone smoking what I think was weed. He was instructing a guy to put money down
somewhere and walk away from it then his helper would pick up and when his helper
picked it up he'ld go hand him the drugs. I'm assuming the whole elaborate thing was
to make it harder for the cops to bust them somehow. Though I really wonder how
your average pot head manages to successfully follow all the instructions needed to
actually buy the stuff. ^_-
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby slickeast » Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:15 am

Sounds like someone dropped it out of their pocket. Either pulling keys out on the way to their car or pulling something out on the way into the store.

I would just call. If someone was looking for the money and knows the exact amount. Take it back. You would want the same if it was your money.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby Engineer » Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:34 am

slickeast wrote:I would just call. If someone was looking for the money and knows the exact amount. Take it back. You would want the same if it was your money.

+1...but give them an allowance for some money that might have blown away if conditions were right for it.

My best find was a hundred dollar bill at a horse track. Somebody had dropped it on the escalator, and it was sitting right there at the bottom.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:27 am

slickeast wrote:Sounds like someone dropped it out of their pocket. Either pulling keys out on the way to their car or pulling something out on the way into the store.

I would just call. If someone was looking for the money and knows the exact amount. Take it back. You would want the same if it was your money.

Sadly, I've been the other guy at least once, as recently as a year or so ago. Stopped at the ATM outside grocer for $200 then out to car to unload groceries. Exited lot and while at light felt in pocket to pull out the cash to load my money clip. No cash... By the time I got through the light and did the necessary u -turns and back to the lot, it was gone...
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby alpacafarmer » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:30 am

My brother and I where leaving a casino one night and I found a twenty on the ground. My brother said most people would take that as a sign and go back into the casino. I told him I took it as a sign that I left at the right time.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby cuag » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:33 am

I found a $20 one time laying on the ground in the area you unload your pockets at before entering courthouse security. Nobody was around so I picked it up, but the time I got to the metal detectors I saw some guy looking frantic and having the deputies look around their machines for it so I got the deputies' attention and got it back to the guy. It was probably his bus or cab fare back home or fine money as it looked like it was really putting a damper on his day. It made me feel good because I knew if someone else from the large majority of "customers" there would have found it, they probably would have just kept their mouth shut and kept it. Sad.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby beauanderos » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:45 am

Well, I went to a few of the stores nearby (it's a huge shopping complex) and asked around, but no claimant so far.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby chris6084 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:33 pm

My best find: $60 at a drive through ATM. I was in one lane pulling up to the ATM. In the lane to the left of me some car passed through rather quickly. I saw a $20 bill fluttering in the air. I looked over and saw it was a 20 when it landed on the ground. Then I looked around and saw two more. I got out of my car and picked them up. I did not need to make a withdrawal after that.

Somebody else's best find: $300 on the floor of a Vegas strip casino. Don't know where I lost it other than it was not on gambling, girls, or booze. It put a damper on the rest of my trip, but surely made somebody else's trip a little better.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:54 pm

Hey! Ray's thread blessed me with some good luck today!

I was driving down the turnpike when I noticed some shiny aluminum on the side of the road. The some more, then a whole lot more. Finally there was the cardboard case it all came in. BINGO! That was a case of new roofing pipe jack flashings! I am a roofer, and these will come in handy for my work.

I took the next exit and circled back. Yup. They were still there! I pulled over with the emergency flashers on and picked it all up. 20 new pipe jack flashings at $6.00 each, plus tax equals $130.23!! Yipee!!
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby justoneguy » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:50 am

I went to an salvage auto auction with my daughter, and parked in a closed off driveway.
It did not sat "no parking" anywhere.
They must have moved my car with their big forklift!
it was about a block away from where we parked it.
Their was also $700 on the ground close to the new spot. :o :o
I called the auction house and told them I had found some money.
if anybody lost it they would have to describe the amount and more
I told them I would be glad to give it back to the rightful owner,
then changed my story to not glad, but willing to return it.
I figured since i was being honest about returning it, why lie about being happy about it ??
No one ever called for it.
$700 at a time I really needed it too. :mrgreen:
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby Mossy » Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:26 pm

I found a $20 back when it was worth something, then a $100 about 25 years ago, $200 in a wallet (returned, $20 reward). Also lost a $100 about 30 years ago. Evens out.

Funny thing about that scrap metal thread? I notice very little metal along the road. Couple of wheel wts, a pocket knife, that's about it.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby Beau » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:20 pm

well guys I was not going to admit this, but 4 months ago I went to the bank and checked out $2,000 the teller put it in one of the envelopes from the bank with the bank name on the envelope as always.
I put the envelope in my inside jacket pocket then I went to one store 50 miles from home I bought some things and reached for the envelope NOT THERE.
I went through my car and the store again this time with the help of the store and everyone that woked there.

this time for 2 hours, I know one of the store employees he told me if they found it they would call. never called when I went back to the store again he said no one had ever turned it in.

when I left the store there was a bunch of teenagers there looking at me and laughing. I ask if they had found and money, one of them said why would we tell you if we did. I said if you found it I will give you half of it if you give it back one girl said half we have it all if we found it. so I beleive they found it but I will never know.

my loss is someone gain, but I will never put money inside my jacket pocket again, even though I had put money there a 1,000 or more.


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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby Beau » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:44 pm

this time of the year the baseball fields are used ever day.
there is a young boy here walking through the park and he saw a brown paper bag in the center of the field on the pitchers mound, he kicked it and saw lot of money fly out, so he was carrying a WalMart bag and he emptied it out and put the money in it.
he went home and told his mom, she counted the money it was $136,000, she said that has to be dope money she explained that they were probably not safe and called the sheriffs department.
they came to his house and told him they would return the money to him if no one claimed it in 30 days and took the money.
this boy called the sheriffs office every day when he woke up hoping they stll had the money and the answer was yes every day, until the 30th day.
they told him a business man claimed it and he said thanks.
we have a very crooked sheriffs office here so I`am sure they took the money.
if they kept the money would they be ok to go to sleep at night.
I told the kid it had to be dope money, and someone was watching it when he found the money because of where he found the money and the time of day he found it. there were a lot of games to be played just 2 hours later.

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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby fansubs_ca » Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:23 am

Beau wrote:when I left the store there was a bunch of teenagers there looking at me and laughing. I ask if they had found and money, one of them said why would we tell you if we did. I said if you found it I will give you half of it if you give it back one girl said half we have it all if we found it.

In the old days teens making suicide pacts would just lock themselves in a garage and
leave a motor running on a car or something. Now they seem to be getting more elaborate
in their methods. ;) So how many teens did you save that day by refusing to "help" them?

Beau wrote:this time of the year the baseball fields are used ever day.
there is a young boy here walking through the park and he saw a brown paper bag in the center of the field on the pitchers mound, he kicked it and saw lot of money fly out, so he was carrying a WalMart bag and he emptied it out and put the money in it.
he went home and told his mom, she counted the money it was $136,000, she said that has to be dope money she explained.

Yep! From the sounds of it that money had to have been left there by a dope! :D

Best thing I found in a brown paper bag was some porn magazines, I mangaed to sell
them but for much less than that. ;)

We did have a story here in the 90s where a gym bag full of money was found in the food
court of a local mall by the cleaning staff. I don't think anyone ever did figure out where
it came from.
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Re: Finders Keepers

Postby GTOJohn » Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:34 am

nice deal. Glad to hear you at least made an attempt to find the owner by waiting around for a little while.
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