"Silver" coins on Ebay

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"Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:41 am

Listing in the Ebay world silver bullion section and I can't see a single coin that is actually silver. I sent a question whether he just meant silver colored, haha. Take a look :?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... Track=true
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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby Doctor Steuss » Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:34 pm

Did you get a response?
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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:06 pm

I wrote asking what the silver percentages are for each coin. His lame response:


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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:07 pm

Yes, asked if no of them were silver and I said I didn't see any that were and that I was merely curious. He replied again just to say thanks. So I give benefit of the doubt that he doesn't know better because I looked at some of his recent sales and they were not coin-related. I didn't report it or anything - like I said, at first glance it seems like a case of ignorance not malice.
And he that hath lyberte ought to kepe hit wel
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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby Sheba » Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:19 pm

Thanks for the 'heads up'. I think that coins on eBay need to be really carefully considered before purchasing. Like you said, some folks honestly have no idea what they are selling. And others.... hmmmm :)

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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby avidbrandy » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:01 pm

"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Unknown
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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby creshka46 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:19 pm

It looks like he pulled it, I guess he was honest?
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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby Rastatodd » Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:50 am

At the beginning of my silver stacking adventure, I collected all that was foreign silver. Because of the low premiums. The one site that helped me a great deal to verify if the coins I was buying had a true silver content was Numismaster.com. It was a great help. One must DYODD when it come to buying all that is foreign AG. :D
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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby InfleXion » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:13 pm

avidbrandy wrote:"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Unknown

I'm pretty sure this can be attributed to GW Bush.
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Re: "Silver" coins on Ebay

Postby dannan14 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:45 pm

InfleXion wrote:
avidbrandy wrote:"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Unknown

I'm pretty sure this can be attributed to GW Bush.

Not attributed to him. He isn't intelligent enough to use so many multi-syllabic words. i think you meant it applies to him :)
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