by neilgin1 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:30 am
a thousands ounces.
before anybody shriek, here's what i believe.
you set goal lines. obviously 100 ounces is the first, and then you can use century marks, 200oz, 300 oz, as subsequent benchmarks.
here's whats going to be your problem, you have two stash choices, a safety deposit box in a bank, which i personally think is folly, or your home, which presents a LOT of challenges, because obviously you have to secure this amount.
there are so many ways to do this, but the overrriding concern is OPSEC, operstional security, which means keeping your mouth shut, absolutely zip lock mouth, you cant be a silver "evangelist".
Now i've been blessed, and this is if you're a prepper....a for real prepper, i've been blessed, that i'm totally bugged out in a rural area with low population density, which i love, coz i've always been country. Its not that i'm hiding out, cringing in fear, awaiting zombie apocalypse. No! quite the contrary, i feel at home, and have made many friends.
Does that mean that my PM's are secured?....absolutely not, because with the exception of my brother, who has a farm 15 miles south of me, and is executor of my estate, a man who is not only my best friend as well, but one of two people i trust with my life, NO ONE knows i have any interest in PM's....much like the sex life of my mother, its not something i talk about or even think about, with anyone.
i dont want to go into HOW i make this place a bank, but suffice to say, i sleep easy.
people will tell you, "beans, bullets and band-aids" are as far as prepping. Many in the prepping community, who should know better eschew PM's, which make prepping a three legged stool. I believe this is unwise, When you add silver to your preps, it becomes a four legged chair, which is sturdier.
my philosphy as WHAT to purchase is simple, rolls of pre-65 90% silver American coinage, 40% Kennedy halves (1965-70) and 40% Silver Ike Dollars (1971 to 74) and American Silver Eagles...combined with bricks of $100 FV nickels, as well as a couple hundred pounds of 95% copper pennies....thats it.
here's the bad news for you, MY preferred market place is Ebay, because when i buy 90% rolls i like ultra clean coins. i dont want to go into an explanation of why, and some guys might disagree with my M.O. but out of hundreds of dealing, Thank God, i have yet to have a bad deal....ready for the bad news?...the bad news is this, on Ebay, today, 30 July, in the next day, there are maybe 4 rolls even worthy to buy, and they have been fully priced, i saw two nice rolls of Franklins, a 54 and 58, already trading at 34-36X's face...THE REST of the offerings have NO silver, they are these bottom feeders, who try and sell modern bank wrapped Kennedy halfs with the words "POSSIBLE silver"....ANYTIME you see on the Ebay silver rolls listings, there two words, "possible" or "unsearched", its BS.
you see, the shelves are getting a little bare, because for a few years now, the news is just getting more nightmarish and skeery.
Now on this forum, there are many good men, who are SERIOUS stackers, and they have not been sitting on their hands. There is an active trade on this forum, and there are men of noble character to trade with, you just have to discern who is who. The reason i've havent traded here, is i dont do business with friends. When i do business i get very cold blooded, and i find it difficult to do that with people i like and have dialogue with, so i stay on impersonal Ebay....but you my friend, seek out these men here, who sell. good guys.
a thousand oz's is a nice goal line to attain for, imho, neil (along with $1000 face value of nickels and a couple hundred pounds of 95% copper pennies)