Orders in to hedge the physical exposure.

Country wrote:1945v wrote:History has shown that silver stays well ahead of inflation.
In the 1960's, one dollar FV of silver would get you 3 gallons of gasoline (@ 33 cents/ gallon).
Today, that same $1 FV will get you 5 gallons of gasoline (@ $3 /gallon)
Actually, in the '60s, you could buy gas for 19c/gal, which would be about right. Gas could be bought 19c-29c/gal until 1973 when the Saudi's promoted their oil embargo. It never has been that cheap again.I remember filling the tank of my new Ford Mustang for less than $5 in 1972.
Country wrote:1945v wrote:History has shown that silver stays well ahead of inflation.
Actually, in the '60s, you could buy gas for 19c/gal, which would be about right. Gas could be bought 19c-29c/gal until 1973 when the Saudi's promoted their oil embargo. It never has been that cheap again.I remember filling the tank of my new Ford Mustang for less than $5 in 1972.
Country wrote:
$1300 GOLD and $21+ SILVER tomorrow?? Maybe this afternoon.... SILVER at $21.07 right now!!!
Lemon Thrower wrote:futures expire today
Country wrote:I have thought that SILVER and GOLD were overbought and needed a pause before going higher. I am beginning to think that the overbought condition will not be relieved until a PARABOLIC move higher ensues. Every dip is being bought, even the tiny pullbacks, leads one to believe in this theory.
What would this be like? The only time this occured in the past was in the fall of 1979. In September 1979, 90% SILVER bags were purchased at 9.2X face; the first time I sold other assets to buy bags of SILVER. AT 9.2X face spot, SILVER spot was $12.87. By January 1980, SILVER spot contracts were topping out at $49. That was what a PARABOLIC move higher looks like. If we can see this possible PARABOLIC move higher starting at $18 SILVER spot, a similar PARABOLIC move higher could mean $70 SILVER by January 2011. I am beginning to believe that this MAGNIFICIENT PARABOLIC move will occur soon.
Market Harmony wrote:Price discovery is a wondrous things, folks. Once a new high is recorded, the price is free to run to the next level, and that could be much higher than anyone would have ever imagined... It all comes down to who is the last buyer?
All this talk of waiting until the price comes back down to your comfort level can really come back to bite you. If you are seriously making an investment in silver, then you buy when you have free cash to do so. Prices today mean little tomorrow and dollar cost averaging will insure that you catch any dips. However, holding back funds waiting for those dips is called speculation, not investing. In my humble opinion, unless you've got experience, support, and loads of information, you're going to get run over if you speculate in commodity pricing.
Market Harmony wrote:Gone are the days of 10 X face
Gone are the days of silver under $20
Gone are the days of "silver never moves more than a dollar a day"
Gone are the days of bargain basement prices
Gone are the days of low interest of silver as an investment
I miss the good ole days already. So much that I went back 20+ pages in the PM section and found this interesting thread. Enjoy the review... I sure did
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