We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

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We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby mbailey1234 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:52 pm

I am reluctant to even post this as I wouldn't want to give anyone any ideas but I am hoping that the people who traffic this site actually have some morals.

There are several cemeteries in our area that have been ransacked lately. Some scum of the earth has went in and ripped off anything metal that was worth anything. Vases, aluminum flag poles, copper wiring and the worth and the saddest were the WWII veterans plaques that were made of bronze. They took pry bars to them to get them off and ruined several headstones in the process. I can't help but feel they should get one in the head and one in the chest if they ever find out who did this crap.

I just lost my mother to cancer last winter and we just got through the process of picking out a headstone. If someone were to do something to it and I knew for certain who it was, I would most likely take them out in second.

How low can people really go?

And speaking of stupidity, what is up with Michelle Obama's picture being put up in our children's lunch rooms. They have been sending notes home of what is acceptable and what's not for our kids to take in a sack lunch?????? Guess cheese sticks are bad for you now. They were on the "don't" list. After the first "warning" they plan on taking the "bad food" away from the kids. Socialism is on it's way in and I guess they are starting the next generation's training pretty young. I'm sure this won't go down without a little stink from myself as well as several other parents. Anyone else hearing of this crap going on besides in Iowa?
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby messymessy » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:17 pm

Nope, haven't had any grave robbers around here (central Ohio).

And we haven't had anyone telling us what to pack for a lunch either. If they did, I'd start sending my kids nothing but a can of cheeze whiz and pringles.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:18 pm

mbailey1234 wrote:I am reluctant to even post this as I wouldn't want to give anyone any ideas but I am hoping that the people who traffic this site actually have some morals.

There are several cemeteries in our area that have been ransacked lately. Some scum of the earth has went in and ripped off anything metal that was worth anything. Vases, aluminum flag poles, copper wiring and the worth and the saddest were the WWII veterans plaques that were made of bronze. They took pry bars to them to get them off and ruined several headstones in the process. I can't help but feel they should get one in the head and one in the chest if they ever find out who did this crap.

I just lost my mother to cancer last winter and we just got through the process of picking out a headstone. If someone were to do something to it and I knew for certain who it was, I would most likely take them out in second.

How low can people really go?

And speaking of stupidity, what is up with Michelle Obama's picture being put up in our children's lunch rooms. They have been sending notes home of what is acceptable and what's not for our kids to take in a sack lunch?????? Guess cheese sticks are bad for you now. They were on the "don't" list. After the first "warning" they plan on taking the "bad food" away from the kids. Socialism is on it's way in and I guess they are starting the next generation's training pretty young. I'm sure this won't go down without a little stink from myself as well as several other parents. Anyone else hearing of this crap going on besides in Iowa?

Elena Ceauşescu 1916 – 1989

Death Toll: Genocidal

Elena Ceauşescu was a Romanian self-proclaimed scientist, wife of Romania’s Communist leader, Nicolae Ceauşescu, and Vice Prime Minister of Romania. Romanians hold Elena Ceauşescu responsible for the elimination of birth control, which created crisis conditions during the 1970s and 1980s, resulting in a flood of unwanted infants, babies and children, that were housed in substandard state operated orphanages throughout the country. She also headed the State health commission, which denied the existence of AIDS in Romania, leading to one of the largest outbreaks (including pediatric cases) in the western world. She was also responsible for the destruction of churches and the food rationing that took place in Romania in the 1980s. She was eventually executed for her crimes against humanity, and died screaming “go to hell” to her executor. I wonder how she is finding it there. http://listverse.com/2008/01/24/another-10-evil-women/

My wife and I visited Bucharest last year on our way home from Istanbul. I had always wanted to go to a former Iron Curtain country. Several years ago I had a vivid dream about Romania during the 1400's so I decided to visit the place after Turkey. Bucharest was horrible. The youth of Romania have one main goal: to leave the country. We also met some very nice people so it wasn't a total loss.

Elena was an evil, scheming, horrible woman. She was also not very smart so she had people write books and put her name on the cover. This is an example of what happens when absolute power takes over.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby John_doe » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:22 pm

They deserve to beat with a wet noodle.

As for mo picture, kind of reminds me of totalitarian state countries (ex. North Korea, Nazi Germany etc.) very creepy to say the least.

And as for the dumbing down of society, it has happened throughout time. Luckily there are those willing to work their entire life so that average Joe can have a scrap of reality to cling to.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby cesariojpn » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:37 am

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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby reddirtcoins » Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:32 am

Fast forward to the UK and watch some of the Islamist video of kids smashing christian graveyards... It's just getting more evil. I don't call it stupid, just plain evil.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby CrazyTom » Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:43 pm

Ask yourself who they would vote for and it will explain everything.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:57 am

Thieves have been stealing veterans bronze grave markers for over thirty years in Oklahoma. Today, thieves not only steal all the bronze vases, and everything else made of bronze, they now even steal the marble vases too.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby CrazyTom » Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:54 pm

A news report I would like to hear.

"Today a man killed himself when a crowbar he was using to steal grave markers
slipped and impaled his head. The marker, of an American veteran, was unharmed."
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby baggerman » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:23 pm

And when the scrapper that buys them is caught I would suspect a slap on the wrist is what they get.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby SilverDragon72 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:53 pm

Stealing bronze vases off of headstones of veterans? That is low, but I've heard of this kind of thing has been happening for a while now.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby SilverDragon72 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:57 pm

mbailey1234 wrote:I am reluctant to even post this as I wouldn't want to give anyone any ideas but I am hoping that the people who traffic this site actually have some morals.

There are several cemeteries in our area that have been ransacked lately. Some scum of the earth has went in and ripped off anything metal that was worth anything. Vases, aluminum flag poles, copper wiring and the worth and the saddest were the WWII veterans plaques that were made of bronze. They took pry bars to them to get them off and ruined several headstones in the process. I can't help but feel they should get one in the head and one in the chest if they ever find out who did this crap.

I just lost my mother to cancer last winter and we just got through the process of picking out a headstone. If someone were to do something to it and I knew for certain who it was, I would most likely take them out in second.

How low can people really go?

And speaking of stupidity, what is up with Michelle Obama's picture being put up in our children's lunch rooms. They have been sending notes home of what is acceptable and what's not for our kids to take in a sack lunch?????? Guess cheese sticks are bad for you now. They were on the "don't" list. After the first "warning" they plan on taking the "bad food" away from the kids. Socialism is on it's way in and I guess they are starting the next generation's training pretty young. I'm sure this won't go down without a little stink from myself as well as several other parents. Anyone else hearing of this crap going on besides in Iowa?

No politican, of ANY party, should be telling people what to eat or drink. Feel free to recommend, but that's all. Parents need to make their own choices, not a school.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby RichardPenny43 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:05 pm

Anyone who would destroy/steal someones grave marker is complete trash IMO. :thumbdown:
The scrap yard that accepts them is just as bad, they know what they're taking in.
I install grave markers for a living. A few years ago I scrapped a bunch of damaged/error bronze plaques (not VA).
It was on a Friday and on Monday the police were at our shop questioning us. :oops:
We have a whole bunch again but now my boss is too paranoid to scrap them.
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Re: We have hit a new low....Are people are just stupid??

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:37 am

Yes. (Just answering the subject of the OP)
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