Standing Liberty Score

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Standing Liberty Score

Postby BamaJoe » Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:45 pm

It's been slim pickings sorting halves this week, but I did have a bit of luck today. Left work this afternoon and stopped by a nearby C-Store for gas. As I walked up to the counter there were two women just ahead of me. As they got to the counter they pulled out a Crown Royal bag and started pulling change out telling the clerk they wanted some gas, that they were broke and all they had were quarters. Well, I heard that silver sing as it was hitting the counter. Quickly slide to the side so I could see and saw a counter full of Standing Liberty quarters. I asked them if I could see them and told them I would give them $2 each for them. They accepted and I ended up with all 47 for $94. If looks could kill I would have died right there from the looks the clerk gave me. He had to have known what they were and was planning on getting them for face.

Except for the clerk, everyone else was happy. The women ended up with $94 instead of the $11.75 they thought they had and even though I could see the quarters were badly worn I new I came out ok. Tonight I put 40 in a stack and then stacked nice silver quarters next to it. The stack of 40 Libs are dead even against 32 silvers in very good shape - about a 20% wear rate and only 4 had readable rates. Still, silver is silver. Todays melt for 47 silver quarters is $250.75 minus 20% wear it would be about $200. :D
If you are waiting for the "correction" to buy you need to realize that the increasing prices ARE the correction.

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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby beauanderos » Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:12 am

Nice score, BamaJoe. Even better than you imagine. You didn't lose twenty percent to wear, more likely about six to eight percent at most. The raised devices on the Standing Liberty Quarter, which wear first and cause the stacks to be shorter for an equivalent number of quarters, contain little of the gram weight, most of it is in the core of the coin. Weigh a stack of the quarters on a gram scale and you'll see what I mean. Here's an article I wrote on the subject: ... -wear.html
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby Joogaler » Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:53 am

I've been working at the busiest gas station in town for over a month, and I still haven't seen one piece of silver! You are a lucky man!

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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby agmoose » Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:20 am

Any type 1's in the bunch? Even without dates, 1917's and can distinguished from 1916's. Dateless 1916's can bring $800-1200 on fleabay after sending in to a third party grader such as ANACs.

PM if you have questions........I'll be glad to help. SLQ's are one of my specialties!
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby BamaJoe » Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:17 am

Thanks for the info folks. I'll pull them back out tonight and take a closer look at them - just might get lucky.
If you are waiting for the "correction" to buy you need to realize that the increasing prices ARE the correction.

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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby appjoe » Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:29 am

beauanderos wrote:Nice score, BamaJoe. Even better than you imagine. You didn't lose twenty percent to wear, more likely about six to eight percent at most. The raised devices on the Standing Liberty Quarter, which wear first and cause the stacks to be shorter for an equivalent number of quarters, contain little of the gram weight, most of it is in the core of the coin. Weigh a stack of the quarters on a gram scale and you'll see what I mean. Here's an article I wrote on the subject: ... -wear.html

I just read your article I think it's great. A must read, it answered alot of questions I had.
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby HPMBTT » Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:04 pm

Great score.....that was a smart move, too, to snag them even before the cashier could accept it. Who knows what the cashier would have said to you after he had them in his posession. Great work. :)

By the way, that was indeed a good informative article.
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: Standing Liberty Score

Postby knibloe » Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:16 pm

Sweet, always amazes me what is still out there.
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby BamaJoe » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:07 pm

Well, no luck finding any barebreasted ladies in the bunch. Even though they are badly worn (to the point of In God we trust is even gone on some of them) with a magnifiying glass I would at least make out the very top of the shoulder strap on of them except for a couple that were too bad for even that. Still, it was a nice addition to the stash.

Thanks for the suggestion.
If you are waiting for the "correction" to buy you need to realize that the increasing prices ARE the correction.

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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby misteroman » Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:26 am

did you ask them if they had any more???????? At least give them your name and number,
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby Dvorak » Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:42 am

BamaJoe wrote:Well, no luck finding any barebreasted ladies in the bunch. Even though they are badly worn (to the point of In God we trust is even gone on some of them) with a magnifiying glass I would at least make out the very top of the shoulder strap on of them except for a couple that were too bad for even that. Still, it was a nice addition to the stash.

Thanks for the suggestion.

It's easier to check the reverse for a lack of stars under the eagle on Type I's.
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby Roadrunner » Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:06 am

I have a few (dateless) Standing Lib's with no stars underneath the eagle, are these worth anything more than Bullion Value?
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby misteroman » Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:57 pm

not really.
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby Lgsilver » Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:47 pm

Nice score!!!!!!!
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Re: Standing Liberty Score

Postby twentybux » Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:51 pm

Way to make it to the head of the line before the clerk could get to them! Heck, I about pee in my pants when I hear one silver coin much less a whole bunch of them clanging together. :lol: You da man!
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