68Camaro wrote:As noted above, the 715/723 factor for moderately worn circulated is a rule of thumb. It can be better or worse than that. I don't really pay attention to it anymore.
For 90%, actual weight x .9 is the best method when you are buying (and selling, as there can be no dispute).
well said.
most dealers will buy and sell based on the .76/.715/.295 convention for now, but someday that may change.
also, note that coinflation is misleading in that the weights he uses are for BU, and then he adds the value of the non-precious metal. I see his point but that is not real world. most of the coins you have are not full BU weight, and then no one is going to pay you extra for the steel and copper in them.
finally, someone mentioned that all coins wear at the same rate. that my be true as an academic point, but in the real world dimes and quarters are typically more worn than halves, esp if you specify JFK or Bens. in other words, if you buy a certain amount of junk silver, there is a far greater likelihood that the quarters and dimes will weigh less than the halves (comparing actual weight as a percentage of original weight)