I joined this hobby three weeks ago as a means to help take my mind of my father who was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer in July. His condition has deteriorated to the point where he is now day to day. Since joining this board the sorting of pennies has offered me an escape and kept me otherwise preoccupied from the pressures of the moment. A few days ago I wanted to begin my feedback history on this board so I bid and won an auction by NDfarmer--a $25 box of cu memorials & a $25 box of Canadian cu's. I told him that I liked the "65 thru '77 Canadian design and added that I was a newbie while mentioning nothing about my father.
The pennies arrived just two days after the auction ended. Everything was great and even the 50 memorial rolls were heavily sprinkled with Canadians (I'm sure this was not just a coincidence)
. Taped on the top of one box was a small bag that contained an additional 48 Canadian cu's, 5 very nice red wheats, 5 King George cu's and one nice Indian.
For the first time in many days a small smile appeared on my face so I just wanted to publicly thank NDfarmer for making a nice, unsolicited gesture of kindness to someone who hasn't had anything to smile about for some time now. I thank you sir