Silver Education

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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Silver Education

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:17 am

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Re: Silver Education

Postby Saabman » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:47 am

Thanks Shinnosuke!!!
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Re: Silver Education

Postby uthminsta » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:41 am

This is wonderful. I have often wondered what the most common industrial uses were, and whether they "destroyed" the metal's possibilities for future use... I see they have done the same thing with gold.
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Re: Silver Education

Postby goodcents » Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:05 pm

I will use this for my friends who don't always understand what I'm trying to convey when I say "Buy silver" because....
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Re: Silver Education

Postby knibloe » Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:36 pm

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Re: Silver Education

Postby bhfontenot » Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:20 pm

Thanks, I enjoyed reading that.
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Re: Silver Education

Postby Verbane » Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:11 am

That makes the case for landfill mining. Get in on the bottom floor of this future growth industry, buy land from landfill reclamation projects. Make sure the mineral rights are deeded to the property.
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Re: Silver Education

Postby NHsorter » Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:26 am

I thought the same thing. What type of items would be the most likely to be "mined" from a landfill though? I can't imagine that people were tossing out real silverware back in the day?? Anyone have any insight on PM containing items that could be found with regularity?

This also reminds me that I need to try to somehow locate where the outhouse was located at my house. I have heard that a lot of coins fell in those holes and the poo is just dirt now so it's not even a big deal to excavate and search. Old bottles sometimes too I hear.
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